Page 40 of Beau
“You should stop, before you say something you are going to have to apologize for," he warned tersely.
She was about to lash out when she felt the cramping of her stomach.
“What?” His hands gripped her waist. “What’s wrong?”
“I–”She closed her eyes briefly as the queasiness washed over her. “We should go.”
“What is it?” His tone escalated in alarm.
“I feel sick.”
Without another word, he swept her into his arms and rushed out the room.
“What can I do?” He had broken every traffic law to get her home.
“Call Lucien," she whispered tensely. He had carried her upstairs and put her in bed. He had also undressed her and put on a comfortable robe. Guilt was eating at him as he wondered if seeing him with his ex, someone who had meant a great deal to him, had brought on this stress.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“I am cramping.” Her teeth sank into her bottom lip.
“Oh Christ!” Without another word, he dragged out his phone and placed the call.
“He is in his way. He was having dinner a few blocks away–”His voice petered off as he sat on the edge of the bed. Placing a hand on her stomach, he massaged the flesh through the thin robe.
“I am sorry," he whispered hoarsely.
“It’s not your fault.”
“It’s–” he sprang up when he heard the doorbell on his app.
“He’s here.” Using his phone, he unlocked the door and instructed the doctor to come right up.
Beau met him at the door.
“She is having cramps.” His face was white with strain.
“Let’s see what’s happening, shall we?” Striding into the room, with Beau trailing behind him, he sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at Georgie reassuringly. “What seems to be the problem?”
“I am sick to my stomach, and I am having cramps.”
“Any blood?”
She shook her head.
“What’s wrong?” Beau asked tersely.
“Something very normal at this time of the process.” The doctor assured them as he checked her vitals. “Your babies are growing, and the cramping is a normal part of what’s happening inside your body.”
“There is nothing to worry about?”
“Your blood pressure is a little bit elevated, but it might be a result of your worry.” He gave her a quick smile. “Some hot tea and a warm towel on your tummy will do the trick.”
“We got you out of dinner for something so trivial?” Georgie’s expression was sheepish.
“And I am afraid we will probably make the papers because of our unorthodox departure.” She glanced at her husband. “Beau swept me in his arms and practically pushed people out of the way.”
Lucien laughed softly. “I would have loved to see that.”