Page 43 of Beau
“Stay with me," she whispered. “Please.”
“I need you. Right now, I feel as if she is coming between us.”
His expression turned ominous. “I would like you to cut that nonsense out.”
“It’s not that easy.” Pushing herself up against the pillows, she stretched out a hand.
“Call it pregnancy hormones, or just plain stupidity, but I need my husband right now and if you love me–”
“For God’s sake!” He bit off an oath as he came forward and sat on the edge of the bed. He did not touch her, which heightened her anxiety even further. “You question my love for you? Haven’t I proven myself over and over again? Miriam means nothing to me.
You are the woman I am irrevocably tied to, the woman I love more than my own life. I really do not appreciate you laboring on this particular subject.”
“Then hold me!” she cried. “Let me feel your body against mine.”
“I cannot touch you without wanting you," he whispered hoarsely. “All throughout the journey back here, my heart was in my throat.
I have already told you that I cannot lose you, loving you would be like dying. Knowing that this was a false alarm does not stop me from worrying that the next time, it might not be. I need a little space, give me that.”
She held up her hands. “Okay.” Swallowing the lump in her throat, she nodded. “I understand.”
“Thanks.” Hesitating briefly, he leaned over and kissed her chastely on the forehead before rising.
“Go to sleep.”
She felt bereft when he left and wanted to cry out to him to come back. But he was right.
She had seen the anxiety on his face, and it reminded her that he had specifically told her that he would not tolerate losing her.
Settling back, she closed her eyes and tried to quiet her rampaging emotions.
Miriam eyed the man lolling on her bed, his naked body very impressive. She had picked him up at the function and the sex was good, if not spectacular.
She had seen Beau rushing from the ballroom with his wife cradled in his arms and had turned blind with jealousy and anger. When Brad had expressed his interest, she had invited him back to her place.
He was a plastic surgeon and famous in his own rights. And he looked very good. But he was not Beau and never would be.
“Any chance of a second time around?” His hand went to his sex and started stroking.
“I am afraid not.” She forced a smile. “I am tired, and I have to get up early in the morning to go to a meeting with my agent. I have been away for a year and there are things I need to take care of.”
“I could spend the night," he suggested hopefully.
“I am afraid not. Now if you don’t mind?”
The disappointment on his face was plain. “Is there any chance of us seeing each other again?”
“That’s a distinct possibility.” She could not wait to get him out of her apartment. Wrapping her robe around her, she waited until he got dressed and walked him to the door. She even tolerated his kiss, when he pulled her into his arms.
Locking the door behind him, she stood there for a minute before going into the living room to pour herself a drink. She had given up her apartment when she was leaving the country, so this one was new.