Page 47 of Beau
“Isn’t he always?” Her voice sounded thin and weak, and she looked as if she was on the verge of dying. All the fluids being pumped into her, and she still looked like a scarecrow.
“You should try and persuade him to go home and take a nap and get some home cooked meal inside him.” The nurse wrote something on her chart before stepping aside.
“He is as stubborn as a mule.”
“That’s right.” Waiting until the woman had left, he pulled up a chair and forced a smile as he took her hand.
“I must look like death warmed over.” Her dark brown eyes studied his face intently.
“You just need to slap on some makeup, and you will be as good as new.”
She did not laugh at the weak attempt at teasing, and he knew she was seeing right through him.
“You should go home and get some rest. You look like hell.”
“Why, thank you darling.”
“I mean it Beau.” She squeezed his hand weakly. “Lucien and the others say I am getting better every day. My blood pressure is going down and I put on several ounces over the past few days.”
He wanted to tell her that he did not see it but could not find the words.
“You are just trying to get rid of me.”
“You have been here for days.”
“And this is where I am supposed to be.”
“You have a company to run.”
“My dad is there, and I am doing my part. Stop trying to manage me.”
“Someone has to.”
“You are in no position to do so," he pointed out. “I am staying.”
“Why? Because you feel guilty?”
His eyes flared and he had to make a supreme effort to tamp down his anger.
“What do I have to feel guilty about?”
“Her. Has she called?”
“I bet she is just waiting to see if I kick the bucket to step right in so that she can offer her body for comfort.”
“Dammit Georgie!” he bit out. “This is neither the time nor the place.”
She closed her eyes wearily and he was alarmed to see tears trickling down her cheeks.
“Oh God! I am so sorry.”
“No.” Opening her eyes, she sniffed and smiled slightly. “Hormones. I intend to use that as an excuse until I cannot do so anymore.”
She squeezed his hand again. “I just hate this bed and hate the fact that I feel and look like crap. What have I done? You warned me that there would be consequences, and I didn’t listen. Now I am putting us both through hell and I am so sorry.”
“Don’t do that," he ordered huskily. Lifting their joined hands, he kissed the back of hers, alarmed at how the veins were sticking out. The doctors had assured him that neither she nor the babies were in any danger, but looking at her, he could not tell.