Page 51 of Beau
So far, she hadn’t seen a single photo with him and that- that woman. But what about phone calls? She was not in the habit of going through her husband’s phones. She was not that kind of wife, or at least, that was what she told herself.
Surely, that bitch had called him. It would be just like her to take advantage of the situation. And she had been away for almostthree weeks. He had been home alone. Had he invited her over? No, she shook her head. He would never disrespect her like that. But she was certain they spoke over the phone.
“Enough!” she whispered. “You are not going to sit here and torture yourself with what ifs. He is your husband, and you are not going to let some two-bit actress change that.”
But she was not a two-bit actress. She was a beautiful and accomplished woman who had been with her husband and no doubt knew what an excellent lover he was. And she had been important to him.
Beau had confided that she was the only real relationship he had had before he met Georgie. That counts for something. Yes, she was carrying his babies, but men were known to seek gratification outside the marital home.
And her circumstance was kinda unusual. She was going to be bloated in a few months. Would he still find her attractive? Looking down in surprise, she realized she had cleaned the bowl and just in time too as the housekeeper bustled in with a plate of fruits.
“Wonderful," she enthused as she replaced the bowl with the plate. “I am making stew for dinner.”
“Sounds delicious.” She forced a smile. “Thanks Mrs. Greene.”
The woman clucked her tongue. “You are a very brave woman, Ms. Georgie. Carrying one child is a task, carrying three is something of a miracle. I am praying for you and those babies.”
“We need it.” She patted her stomach.”
“And with you being so tiny and all.” The woman shook her graying head, light blue eyes concerned. “You need all the prayers you can get.” Taking up the tray, she bustled from the room.
Picking up a fat bunch of grapes, she plucked one and started eating. Beau had been gone for more than fifteen minutes. What could be taking so long?
Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the throw and rose, testing her strength before taking a few steps. She still felt weak, but not like before when she could not walk more than a few steps and she was determined to get stronger. If not for herself, then for the babies she was carrying.
She refused to be beaten by this. The longer she stayed languishing in bed, the more time it gave that woman to swoop in to comfort her husband. That was not going to happen. As soon as it was prudent, she was going to take walks and do her exercises.
Picking up the plate of fruits, she exited the room and made her way slowly upstairs, grateful she had not encountered the housekeeper who would probably be horrified that she was walking on her own.
Shaking her head, she walked up the staircase, one hand trailing on the banister. By the time she got to the double doors leading to their suite, she was out of breath and had to stand there to gather herself.
Pushing the doors open, she marched through the bedroom until she reached the door of his study. Hesitating for a minute, shepushed it open to find him seated on the edge of the baronial desk, the phone at his ear and a pen in his hand.
He looked up in surprise, a frown knotting his smooth brow.
“No. I want it done immediately.” He watched as she took a seat on a comfortable striped chair. “Well light a fire under their asses, but I need to hear results by tomorrow,” He listened for a moment and then chuckled. “Yes, he would say something like that. Call me if you encounter any problems.” He hung up and concentrated on her.
“I was coming down.”
“I got impatient. Who was that?”
He stared at her with lifted brows, and she had a feeling he knew what was going through her head. “Munroe.” Folding his arms over his chest, he continued to study her.
“You don’t trust me.”
“Of course I do.”
“Are we going to become that couple Georgie? Are you going to monitor all my movements?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!”
“Am I?” he asked silkily. Picking up his phone, he stretched it toward her, and she was tempted to take it. “Want to go through my call logs?”
“Of course not. I just came up because you were taking too long. I–”Her voice tailed off at the skeptical look on his handsome face. “I am scared," she whispered.
“For God’s sake, why?”
“I feel helpless and unattractive. I cannot bear to look in a mirror. I was in the bedroom, and you know there are mirrors everywhere and I avoided them.” She plucked at the baggy sweater she had worn from the hospital. “I am afraid you are going to look at her or someone else and find them more attractive. I am skin and bones.”