Page 75 of Beau
“We have Geraldine, and she is great with the boys and not to mention Mrs. Greene who has adopted them.” She leaned against him as they stared down at the sleeping baby.
“Feeding three babies can get to be a lot. And you insist on breastfeeding all three.”
“I am fortunate that my milk is flowing. They are preemies and they need all the help they can get. Lucien said that we can start supplementing the breast milk with formula, but I am holding out as long as I can. Besides, it’s doing wonders for my figure. I am shedding all of that baby weight.”
“I liked you fat," he grunted when she landed an elbow in his gut. “Your violent trend is escalating.”
“I am a mom; it’s being finely honed.” She turned in his arms.
“Time for bed?”
She shook her head. “I need something else.”
“Baby, we can’t. We shouldn’t.” He correctly interpreted her expression.
“We have to. I feel whole and alive again Beau.” Her expression was one that he could not resist. “I want to feel your hands on my body. I want to feel beautiful and feminine.”
“I thought I did a good job of that when we made love a few days ago.”
“Not enough. Give me more. Take more.”
She did not have to hold a gun to his head, he was already starting to feel feverish. The first time they made love, it had been rough and entirely without finesse, and it bothered him. Having three babies to take care of was not easy and even though he loved his children, he wanted time with his wife.
He had gone back to the office last week, but had lightened his workload and started bringing homework. He was determined to be here for everything. He had failed them before, that was not going to happen again.
“Are you sure?” he asked her quietly.
“All right.” Making certain their daughter was asleep; they left the nursery and went to peek in on the boys. Their nanny had a room next to theirs and was just getting ready for bed.
“They are out like a light.” The woman beamed as she wrapped her robe around her sturdy body. “I just checked on them.”
“Go to bed, Geraldine,” Georgie urged. “You have been up since the crack of dawn and knowing them, they will be out until the morning.”
“I love watching them sleep," she admitted sheepishly as she tiptoed toward the cot. “I will leave you to say goodnight.” With that, she disappeared inside her room, leaving the door open a crack.
“I can’t believe they are really here," she whispered.
“We are blessed,” her husband murmured and she nodded. “Bri is going to give them a run for their money.”
Beau smiled at that, his thoughts turning to the little girl. He loved his sons, but Brianna Rose had captured his heart in her little palm and twisted it. He was helpless against such overwhelming love. His two girls were going to be able to run circles around him.
She nodded. Lifting her into his arms, he strode from the nursery and headed toward their bedroom. Making sure the monitor was on; he stepped away from the bed so that he could take off his clothes.
She had already gotten rid of the robe she had donned after her shower and was propped up on the pillows watching him.
Turning down the sheets, he stopped her from switching off the lights.
“My breasts-”
“Are lovely," he murmured earnestly. “They give sustenance to my children and could not be more beautiful. How can you think otherwise?”
A gasp escaped her when he shifted so that he could weigh them in his palms. “I have watched you so many times, feeding them and wondered how you do not feel overwhelmed.” His thumb caressed the rigid flesh, and he watched in fascination as they puckered immediately. “Are they sore?”