Page 129 of You Found Me
“Yeah, I told her I’m not selling. Ever.” Ward shoved the full vat of cider into place. “Pretty sure I made it stick.”
“Good.” Ralph rolled his shoulders. “Good. It’s your place, and it’s your call, but…I’m glad, son. Real glad.”
“Me too,” Ward said.
“Me three.” Elyse flashed Ward a look of compassion and understanding, then gave Della a kiss on the cheek. “Lucy, have you managed to see any of the festival, or have you been trapped here the whole time?”
Dad gestured toward the row of booths that lined the street. “Why don’t you take the empties back, then show her around? We’ll cover here.”
Della’s eyes lit up. “You sure you don’t need help?”
Dad winked at her. “I’ve been covering the festival since before Sevens was a glimmer in anyone’s eye. Pretty sure a few hours playing bartender won’t kill me.”
“Thanks, Ralph. I’ve really been looking forward to this.” Her eyes danced as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “We’ll come back to help close.”
Ward’s shoulders tightened at the idea of wandering through crowds with Della, but he didn’t say no.
“You two run along.” Elyse shooed them away, then turned to the line. “Who’s next?”
“Think we can get seats close to the stage?” Della hugged his arm as they walked to the waiting cart. “I want to be front row when Mason goes on.”
Ward moved the cart into position and hooked it to the trailer holding the empty containers. “We can do better than that.”
He sent a quick text to Brick.
Ward —Need the VIP section for the show.
A few seconds later, he got the reply.
Brick —On it.
They parked in the alley behind Sevens so Ken could unload, then he led Della into the crowd.
Artist tents, food vendors, and carnival games filled the streets surrounding the square. The mouthwatering scent of barbecue, roasted hot dogs, and popcorn filled the air, along with the sweet, ever-present aroma of apples.
“Hungry?” Ward asked.
“Starving.” Della’s eyes danced as she took in the scene. “Think they have cotton candy?”
“Always. My aunt has the best. They featured her inFood & Winemagazine two years back.” Ward led her to Aunt Martha’s Sweetness, a red and white striped booth with a line that stretched almost to the corner. He ignored it and stepped into the back of the tent instead. It was filled with shelves and cases of apple products, from jam to butter to pastries. People entered on one side with a basket and exited the other with a bag and a lot less money.
“Oh…” Della stared around, stepping to the side to let someone pass. “This is… What is this?”
“It’s Aunt Martha’s retirement bonus. She makes enough this weekend to pay for her vacations every year.”
Della picked up a jar. “Butter? Apple butter? That’s a thing?”
“Donovan, my dear boy,” Aunt Martha called out. She swept toward them, shifting people aside as she went. “It’s about time you showed up. And Lucy. I see you’ve already found the star of the show.” Aunt Martha turned to pick up a tray of crackersspread with a thick layer of apple butter. “Taste this. It’s my best yet.”
“It smells fantastic.” Della took a bite, her eyes widening with delight. “This is so good. Can we buy a case?”
Aunt Martha puffed up with pride. “I knew I liked you.” She handed the tray to one of her student helpers. “You keep this girl, Donovan. She’s good people.”
He pointed at one of the machines sitting at the back of the booth. “Lucy loves cotton candy.”
“Of course she does. Who doesn’t?” Aunt Martha gestured for them to follow. “But I bet she’s never had something likethis. It’s called Apple Delight. Nobody else makes it the way I do, with real apple bits and a bit of something extra.”
Aunt Martha handed Della a cone covered in the stuff. “Sample that while I put a bag together for you.”