Page 138 of You Found Me
Ward skimmed his lips over her breasts, then plucked the pendant off her chest and stroked it.
She could see hesitation in his eyes. She should have taken it off. It was a reminder of things she didn’t want him remembering.
She lifted his hand to her mouth, pendant and all, and gave it a lingering kiss.
His gaze flicked to her face and softened. He let the pendant drop gently to her chest, then cupped her face.
She wanted to tell him that she trusted him. That the rest of the world didn’t exist. Not tonight.
But how could she say all that without breaking the spell?
She turned her head into his palm and kissed it. At first it was a chaste, innocent thing. But she wanted more than that. Much more. She flicked his palm with her tongue and sucked.
He growled before he lowered his mouth to hers, and all the reasons why and why not vanished.
He worked his mouth over hers, seducing her with his lips and tongue while the spicy scent of his shower wrapped around her. His hands explored and kneaded and stroked and probed until her brain dissolved and she couldn’t think. She could only feel, feel, feel.
A slow smirk spread across his face.
She tried to roll her eyes at him, but then he lowered his mouth to her breast and teased with his tongue, hot and hungry and relentless until little fires of need burned so hot she couldn’t stand it.
She lifted her hips in a silent hint, but he shook his head. He worked his way down her body with a trail of slow, open-mouthed kisses. He kissed her lips, her neck, the space between her breasts.
It was torture. Pure, blissful, torture.
She worked his tongue with her body, urging him down, down, down.
Just a little more.
He increased the pressure to the side and around where she needed him most, but never exactly where she wanted it. Her panties were in the way. She whimpered and writhed and wished like hell that he’d rip the underwear off too.
His gaze locked on hers while his finger slid around the edge of gauze and into her. All she could see were those eyes, dark and serious but with a gleam of hunger and something else that made her want to get lost there forever.
His fingers softly teased the skin under her panties. The need to keep that delicious tension rising made her groan in frustration.
He worked her, faster and faster, still feathery light, still dancing around what she wanted most until the word spun and exploded. She gripped his arms and let out a guttural shout as the wave of pleasure broke over and through her.
For a few seconds, she saw stars.
“Breathe,” Ward whispered in her ear.
His hot breath sent shivers racing down her spine. She let the breath she’d been holding out in a long gasp that ended in a little giggle.
His hands traced a hot path around and over her breasts, her stomach and down.
The greedy light in Ward’s eyes revved her up again.
She shoved at him until he gave way and flopped over onto his back, and then she pounced on him. She had a moment to register the flare of fire in his eyes and the hot, hard length of him as he slid inside, and then there was nothing but stormy sensation.
His hands gripped her hips as she pumped. Tension built in her body until everything blurred together into a clashing crescendo of the best chorus of the best song ever to exist.
She screamed her release.
It wasn’t long before Ward shuddered and moaned with his own.
She rested there, with him inside her, until he stopped quivering and she stopped shaking and they were both still. She gave him a soft kiss, then rolled off him and collapsed into a sweaty heap beside him on the tangled sheets.
They lay side by side, breathing heavily, while around them the old house settled down for the night.