Page 141 of You Found Me
Even without the blonde hair it would be idiotic to believe that a true Della Bellamy fan wouldn’t recognize that voice. Her rabid fans would see through the red hair and clean face to the truth after the first five notes.
His gaze flicked to the account that had just blown their cover.
As in Ken “the Doll” Cassidy. The damn bartender.
There were already thousands of comments, likes, and look-at-me shares.
It was only eight, Eastern time. What would happen once the rest of the country woke up?
Ward flicked through the messages he should have seen hours ago, his mood darkening with every line.
Annie — That her? Where r they?
Spencer — Voice recognition says yes, although not everyone has access to that kind of software. The hashtag popped my alert.
Annie — Nobody caught on yet, right?
Spencer — Not that I can tell, although if the stalker stays true to pattern he will most likely probe for more information when he sees this. My best guess is he hasn’t discovered it yet because the hashtag means nothing to him.
Annie — Maybe will tank around the 10k mark. That happens. Ward? Weigh in? — Annie
Annie — Ward? You there? Where the hell is he?
Spencer — His phone pings at his home address. — Spencer
Annie — K. Might be sleeping. Keep an eye on this, Spence. Getting in shower.
The next text had come in at 4:45, just after he’d drifted off to sleep with Della in his arms like a man with his girlfriend, not a bodyguard with his protectee. He clenched his jaw and continued.
Spencer — 250k views and climbing. This is problematic: That girl sounds familiar. I know that voice. Anybody know who that is?
Annie — No names yet?
Spencer — So far, no.
Annie — Ward check in?
Spencer — No. His phone remains stationary.
Annie — Keep an eye on it? Getting dressed. Have a feeling will be on the move soon. Sorry, Spence. No sleep for the wicked. Which means Ward should be awake.
Spencer — There’s no sleep for the gamer with an all-night raid in progress either.
Annie — Hah!
It only took two more hours for the problematic comment to escalate into full-on problem.
Spencer — 730k views and climbing. I think the cat is out of the proverbial bag. Comment: “Chick sounds like Della Bellamy. Any DellBells verify?”
Annie — That’s bad. Very bad. Ward? You up?
Spencer — His phone hasn’t moved. He may be in a deep sleep cycle.
Annie — He’s a Marine. They don’t sleep. They get the hell out of bed before the sun.
Spencer — What else could it be?