Page 152 of You Found Me
Ward turned to see the man leaning against the lopsided bumper. “He drugged her.”
Brick held an arm out to Diggs like he was afraid the man would fall over. “Take it easy, man. You probably got a concussion.”
“Head’s okay. Was the Taser. Damn. Hurts.” Diggs grimaced. “Don’t think Della was injured, but…he carried her. She was out.”
Sirens flared in the distance. Ward glared at the bridge. If he stayed, he’d be stuck here answering questions for hours.
“Go…,” Annie urged. “Wasting…time.”
He let out a frustrated growl. “Brick? Stay with them? Make sure they get seen too?”
“You sure you don’t want back up, man?” Brick asked with a frown.
Ward started toward the truck. “I’ve got backup. Spencer’s mobile.”
The sirens grew louder.
“He isn’t here. He’s on the road. Youneeda wingman,” Brick said.
“No. I don’t.” He shook his head. “Not this time.”
“I know that look, man. I seen it before. It ain’t a good look.”
“You can’t go with me.”
Brick had that stubborn look on his face that used to scare the opposing team. “You can’t stop me. You never could in practice.”
“Yes, I can.” Ward grabbed his friend’s arm to get him to stop. “This isn’t a game, Brick. You aren’t trained or licensed. I am. If you go with me, you’ll split my focus and I can’t afford that. I need you here. I need to know someone’s looking out for my team.”
His head was already compromised. He refused to put his friend’s life in jeopardy too. He refused to have to choose between Brick and Della.
Brick glanced down at Ward’s holster. “You telling me your head is totally clear on this?”
“Crystal.” Ward started walking again. “Myonlypriority is keeping Della safe. I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.Whatever it takes. Get me? That’s my job. That’s what I get paid to do.”
Brick kept pace with him. “Yeah. Seems to me it stopped being just a job about a month ago.”
Ward got in and slammed the door. He met Brick’s gaze. “You’re right. But it doesn’t change anything.”
Brick nodded and blew out a breath. “Do what you gotta do, man. I’ll run interference with the cops.”
Ward put the truck in gear. “Follow Annie’s lead. She’s good at spin.”
“I hope that ain’t all she’s good at,” Brick said.
Ward hit the gas. He was over the hill and around the next bend before the flashing lights of emergency rescue reached the bridge.
He’d lost a lot of time. The asshole was already on the highway before Ward had even made it to the busted-up SUV. The last he’d seen on the tracking app, Della’s necklace was headed east on the 202.
If he stayed on that road, it would take them straight into Morristown. Ward doubted that was their final destination.
Where were they going? New York City? New Jersey?
He picked up the phone and glanced at it with one eye on the road, one hand on the wheel.
No dots.
"What the hell?”