Page 154 of You Found Me
Crash. There was…Something hit…the car turned over…
She moaned.
Trees and road flashed by. A sign, too fast for her to read.
It was hot. Sun hit her face. Made her sweat.
She managed to turn her head to the side, away from the light.
The driver tapped out the beat on the steering wheel.
It wasn’t Ward. Ward had short, sexy hair. Serious face. He needed to smile.
This guy looked…slick. Big. So big. Not a sexy big. Scary big.
The car swerved, and her head swam.
Who was he?
Her stomach heaved. Bile filled her mouth, and she choked on it, with coughs too weak to do anything. Drool slid down her chin.
The driver glanced over at her, and his eyes widened. “Oh, hey. Don’t do that. Shit.”
The truck slowed. Stopped.
It made her head…swirl. Her stomach…
She heaved.
“Hang on. I’ve got something that’ll help.” The man leaned close to reach behind her seat.
She wanted to undo the seat belt. Open the door.
She was just so heavy. So tired. So…
Another heave shook her. She couldn’t stop. Her body slid. The seat belt dug in along her bruised chest. She moaned.
The man put his hands on her arm. They were hot. She tried to push him away.
“It’ll be better for you if you sleep through this part.” He soothed.
Something bit her upper arm. Fire spread into her neck, her chest, everywhere.
She’d never liked drugs. Didn’t use them. She opened her mouth to tell him that, but then it was too hard to find…words…
Darkness reached out with shadowy fingers and dragged Della back into oblivion.
Chapter Twenty-Six
While he was waiting for Spencer to catch the hell up, Ward paced the parking lot of the Burger Barn. He’d been at the roadside dive in Nowhere, Pennsylvania, for over an hour and he’d worn a path through the asphalt and his patience.
He checked the time. Nope. Not one hour. Almost two hours.