Page 173 of You Found Me
“Oh, I know the point.” Annie nudged Spencer’s arm. “Our boss is in l-o-v-e, love.”
Spencer glanced between them. “Are we allowed to say that? Doesn’t that violate some kind of HR code?”
“It definitely violates The Rules, according to Donovan Ward,” Annie said.
“Get out. Both of you.” Ward poked Annie’s thigh with the crutch. “Don’t you have a perimeter to check? And, Spencer, get that van out of the driveway. It’ll scare the neighbors. Park it out back under that tree by the wood shop.”
“On it.” Spencer appeared relieved to have a reason to get away from Ward and Annie’s teasing.
Ward’s phone dinged. He checked the incoming text.
Heads up. Incoming. Sorry! — Brick.
Ward swore.
“What?” Annie asked, all business now. “Something happen?”
“Yes.” He realized what he’d said and corrected, “No. Not with the delivery. Brick opened his big mouth.”
Ward – You told them?
Brick – Yes.
Ward – WTF man?
Brick – Dude…your mom asked me straight if Della Bellamy’s injured bodyguard was her Ward. I’m not lying to your mom.
“Coward.” Ward hissed under his breath. He muttered a string of creative swear words. “My family’s headed this way.”
Annie plopped down on the couch next to him and peeked at his texts. “Well youwereshot. No mother could ignore that. Might as well get it over with. They’ll feel better when they see you being your usual grouchy self.”
Ward shoved his phone into his back pocket. “You haven’t done the math. They’re headed herenow. Della andherfamily are fifteen—no, ten minutes out.”
Annie’s eyes gleamed with delight. “An in-law meet and greet. Bold move. Especially since you haven’t even taken her on a real first date. You know, as herself. Not your fake girlfriend.”
“They aren’t in-laws.” Ward scowled at her.
“Yet.” Annie’s eyes twinkled.
He ground his teeth. “The last thing we need is more people creating security risks.”
“They’re not people. They’re family.” She patted his shoulder. “You survived the Marines, you’ll live through this.”
“Go away.”
She winked at him, then stood to leave.
“You’re enjoying this,” Ward called after her.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” She paused at the door. “Because…and I really,reallywant to stress this because it’s a phrase I’ve been longing to say to you since this assignment started…I told you so.”
“You’re fired.” He pointed at the door. “Get out.”
“You can’t fire me.” Her grin was wicked. “I’m a founding partner.”
He heard the back door shut just as his dad’s old Volvo pulled in a little too fast and parked as close to the front door as he could get.
Ward considered following her out the back, but he’d never make it. Not on his injured leg.