Page 78 of You Found Me
Ward shifted the instrument so she could check on it.
She plucked at it, then nodded. “Perfect. Where’s your brother?”
“Not sure.” He’d been scanning the crowd ever since they arrived but hadn’t caught sight of Mason.
“Donovan!” his stepmother called out as she rushed over to them, arms out for a hug. “Welcome home. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Good to see you, Elyse.” He shifted the guitar out of the way, wrapped his arms around her, and squeezed. She was a lot shorter than him, so he had to duck down and she had to tiptoe, but they made it work. The guitar bumped her, but she didn’t let go.
“We’ve missed you,” she said in his ear.
“Sorry. It’s been hectic.”
He liked Elyse. She’d been his mom’s best friend long before she’d married his dad. She’d been a part of his childhood, and she’d always been good to him.
She was family.
“I know.” Elyse squeezed him a little tighter. “You do good work. Just try to remember to take a break every now and then. The rest of us need you too.”
“Will do.” He meant it. He always meant it, even if life and divas in distress got in the way.
She plucked the shoulder strap of the guitar as she released him. “You brought Mason a present.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement loaded with implication.
“It’s his eighteenth.” He gave her a sheepish look. “Lucy insisted.”
“It’s perfect.” Elyse’s attention shifted to Della. “You must be Lucy.”
Ward gestured from Della to his stepmother. “Lucy, this is Elyse. My stepmother.”
Elyse hugged Della with enthusiasm. “I’m so happy to meet you. It’s been all I could do to leave you two alone this week to get settled. Ralph told me not to butt in, but honestly, there’s no food in that house and it can get drafty without a fire going. I’ll make sure Ralph brings over some wood tomorrow, okay?”
“It’s great to meet you too,” Della said. Her voice sounded almost shaky. “And please don’t go to any trouble. The house is perfect, just as it is.”
“Well, that’s sweet of you to say,” Elyse said. “I’m just glad someone’s giving that house a little love. It’s been empty too long.”
The familiar curl of guilt wrapped around the back of his neck. He should visit more often. He knew he should. But it was hard when he walked through the door and didn’t hear his mother call out his name. Reminders of the life he’d had, and the one that had been taken, were everywhere in this town.
It was easier to stay away.
He caught Della watching him and made an effort to smooth his expression.
She took his hand and squeezed it before she turned a brilliant, distracting smile on Elyse. “So where’s the birthday boy? I think guys who play the guitar are so cool.”
“I think they’re out in the square throwing a ball around. He’ll be back soon. I told him presents start when the lights come up.” Elyse eyed the guitar with a knowing look. “Mason will be so thrilled. You couldn’t have picked anything better.”
“Is that my son Donovan?” His father put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s been so long I wasn’t sure I’d recognize you.”
“We both know your memory’s better than that.” Ward gestured at Della. “Dad, this is Lucy.”
“Well, well. I see what kept you away so long.” Dad’s eyes sparkled. “Can’t say I blame you there. Nice to meet you, Lucy.”
Della pulled his dad in for a hug. “It’s great to meet you, Mr. Ward.”
Dad squeezed her extra tight. “You call me Ralph. We don’t stand on ceremony around here.”
Ralph gave Della one more squeeze before releasing her. “You must be some kind of special. You’re the first girl he’s ever brought back to Wires Crossing.”