Page 10 of Trouble Walked In
Chapter Four
Monday went downhill for Renic before nine a.m., which had to be some kind of record. He and his production manager, Davis, still waited in the studio for Keith, their hopefully rising star, to get out of bed. The kid was full of talent but wasnotan early riser, a fact that never failed to frustrate Renic.
Davis swiveled around in his chair. “We can go over Tyrone’s latest while we wait, if you want. It’s almost there I think.”
“Yeah, okay, queue it up.”
Renic tapped out a text to Morgan.Get his ass out of bed. Please. Studio only free today.
A few seconds later, Morgan replied,His ass is in the shower. BTS.
Renic grunted. “Wonder what her definition of soon is.”
He started to put his phone away when it pinged again. This time, it was Jordanna Farrington.Used all my best moves. Lizzie tried. Ball’s in your court.
Renic swore under his breath.
Davis looked up. “What?”
He started to say something about Della’s situation, then stopped himself. The last thing he wanted was for serious word to get out that Della had bailed. So far, it was only a mild rumor caused by the award winner missing the morning round of interviews. It would probably get worse the longer she was absent from the public stage, but there was no need to stoke the fire.
“Nothing,” Renic said. “Something came up. I can’t stay.”
“What about Tyrone? We need your approval to move on to masters.”
Renic typedOMWto Jordannaand hit “Send.”
“You got this. Lay what you can with Keith. We'll go over it when I get back. Send me a review link for Tyrone, and I’ll approve it from the road.”
Davis made a little choking sound. “You serious?”
Renic looked up from his phone at the surprise in his voice. “Absolutely. You don't need me here for this part. You have the best ear in the business. I trust you.”
Davis grinned at him, looking pleased. “That’s true. Iamthe best. Just shocked to hear you admit it is all.”
Renic rolled his eyes at him.
Davis spun toward the control panel and started punching buttons and turning knobs. “Don’t worry, boss. Do what you got to do. I got this.”
“Thanks, man.”
Renic tapped out a reply to Morgan.Davis handling session. Keep them on task. Heading to Seneca Lake.
A few seconds later, Morgan replied,Shit.
No kidding, he thought.
Several hours later,Renic was driving from Rochester, New York, to Belhurst Castle on Seneca Lake. He’d spent the short flight researching the area and the house, and now he had an hour-long drive to figure out what he’d say to Della and Lizzie.
When he thought of Lizzie, his brain refused to cough up anything but the look on her face as she’d said her last words to him. Her rich brown eyes, so full of hurt and hate, had blazed a trail of condemnation through his heart straight to his soul. It had been three years, but it might as well have been yesterday.
He forced his thoughts away from Lizzie and back to Della. He still had no idea what made her run away from the party. Morgan had questioned almost everyone who’d been in the penthouse suite where the party was held that night, but the only new information she’d managed to find was that Della had left her award sitting on one of the side tables next to the door.
The fancy silver statue was on his desk now. He’d thought about bringing it to her, to remind her of what she’d left behind, but then decided against it.
Until he knew what had upset her, it was hard to plan a response that would convince her to change her mind. If she was just overworked or tired, he could rearrange the tour to give her an extended holiday break. If someone abused her or was mean to her, he could put a stop to it. He could get her therapy. He would get her anything she needed or wanted if it would mean the tour could continue as scheduled. But until he got more information, he couldn’t act.
The trees were bursting with fall colors, and he’d seen at least three deer along the side of the road so far. No wonder Lizzie had run away and set up a life here. It was so farremoved from the music world and New York City it might as well be another planet.