Page 1 of The Broken Queen
My King,
I’m going under, and this time there is no one to save me. I’m drowning, screaming for help, but no one hears me. No oneseesme. The water is consuming me, filling my lungs making it harder to breathe, and harder to fight. You used to help me escape, but the day is bleeding into night, and the darkness is swallowing me whole.
The crown weighs me down. I put a smile on my face that doesn’t quite reach my eyes, but no one sees behind the lies. A queen with a doomed destiny because you left me to live in a condemned world. We were supposed to go through this together as King and Queen, but you chose another path.
Now, I’m forced to go down a road I don’t want. I’m forced to marry a man I don’t love all because my soulmate wasn’t strong enough to fight. I walk on eggshells when the curtain is closed, so my kingdom won’t see me for who I really am.Weak.My momma raised me to smile even when the light is dim, but the light disappeared the day she was murdered. You remember that day, don’t you?Of course you do. That was the day you told me I would never be alone again.Another lie.The sins of this estate are built on solid ground and impenetrable. Even a tornado couldn’t wipe them away.
Every night I pray you’ll come back for me, but as the day drags on and months turn into years, that hope dwindles. I know I should run far away and never look back, but something is keeping me here. You and I both know what it is. I’m chained to this world, and it will take me down to the darkest pits of hell, but I refuse to sacrifice my daughter because of past mistakes.
You may no longer love me, but I ask, beg of you to come back for her. Because while my heart is shriveled in despair, there is still hope for her. She shines in the darkness and refuses to let anything get her down.Even him.She is strong for me, while I am not strong for her. So please, come get her before it’s too late. Before I’m forced down the aisle to say I do. Because once that day comes, we will no longer belong to you. Instead,we will belong to him.
All my love,
Your Broken Queen
Slade’s Prologue
My Queen,
I'm not who you think I am. We've known each other our whole lives, but you didn't know of the demon that hid beneath my skin. I tried to give you what you needed, but that man was breakable, frail, andweak.
That all changed the moment I thirsted for blood. I broke free of my father's reins on that dreadful night, but the truth is, I was born to be this.
A monster, a fighter, and...a King.
I claimed you as mine long ago, and while I've been locked in the deepest pits of hell, I've thought about you. The taste of your cherry red lips after they were wrapped around my cock. The feel of your hardened nipples rubbing up against my chest as I make you come with just a touch of my hand.
You want me to take my rightful place on the throne, but I won't come back willingly. I'll make you beg. I'll make you crumble. And I'll make damn sure you never forget who you belong to. Who she belongs to.
As you read this letter, I know your bones will rattle with fear and excitement. But alas, my love, the battle has only begun.
Relay the following message to your fiancé, and expect the unexpected.
The wrath of hell is just the beginning. The King will return, and those who are damned will be shown no mercy.
You've declared war, and I accept. Justice will be served. And The Broken Queen will be mine once again.
Your Damned King
Part One
Raven, twelve-years-old
Day One of Training
“Pull the trigger, Raven.”
The gun rattled in my shaky hands. Tears streamed down my cheeks, slowly falling onto my plain white t-shirt. “I don’t want to, Daddy!”
My lips trembled as my gaze roamed to the man who tried to kidnap me. I didn’t know who he was. I didn’t know his name, how old he was, or if he had a family. This whole scene was too orchestrated. He was an unwilling sacrifice in the twisted games Father liked to play. He was handcuffed to the chair, slouched over, barely breathing. His head rolled from side to side, until finally, his blue eyes met mine. They were pleading for another chance that Father no longer wanted to give.
The gun fell to my side, and I closed my eyes when the whip connected with his skin again. My stomach churned when the connection with his skin made a harsh cracking sound. A shudder went through my body. I couldn’t imagine being whipped. It was a cruel punishment, and being in the same room as this was happening made me want to throw up. His screams pierced through the walls, awakening every prisoner Father had rotting in the dungeon, awaiting their doomed destiny. A sob escaped my throat when my eyes opened. His pale flesh was sliced open from the repeated action, with blood threatening to pour out of the wounds. A metallic smell invaded my nostrils and made me gag.How is this man my father? How could he do this to another human being?
I took a few hesitant steps forward until I was standing directly in front of him and swallowed the lump in my throat.I can’t do this... I’m gonna be sick. My trembling hands raised the gun and pointed it at his head, my pointer finger taking its place on the trigger. Maybe I should just put him out of his misery. Isn’t that what they did with poor animals who weren’t doing well? The thought made me sick. Taking a deep breath, I licked the salt from my lips and met his gaze once again.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered and squeezed my eyes shut. Anything to make this nightmare disappear.