Page 11 of The Broken Queen
I bristled. He knewnothing.“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”It’s not like he cared either; it was all for show.
He lifted his head as his gaze snapped back to mine, the fury he had moments ago now morphed into a blood rage. “No matter what you wish may happen, he’s not coming back, Raven. Get that out of your bloody fucking skull.” With that, he removed himself from the stool and left the room without another word.
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I fell to the ground in a lump. As much as I wished he was wrong, I knew he was right. Slade may have whispered those sweet words in my daughter’s ear, but he was never coming back. And even if thefuture...he did come back, I knew it wouldn’t be for me. I would always come in second.
And that fact...well, it fucking hurt.
Chapter Four
Ten years ago...
“Raven, darling, you need to get ready for the ball.” Mother said.
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Yeah, and? What if I don’t want to go? It’s just some stupid dance that I have to dress up for. You know I hate dressing up.”
She chuckled. The woman was so graceful it was ridiculous. Everything about her was grace. There was never a black hair out of place, and I admired her for it. Even when she had to deal with Father’s raging temper on occasion. “Well darling, you don’t have a choice in the matter. Your father needs this dance to go over smoothly.”
I huffed and collapsed on my bed while she continued to rummage through my closet. “I didn’t ask to be a princess. I just want to be normal! Why can’t I participate in sports like the other girls at my school? Why can’t I wear jeans instead of fancy dresses?“
“When you become Queen, you can wear all the jeans you want. But for now, you must put on a dress, and act civilized towards your father. Can you do that for me?”
I rolled my eyes. Father and I getting along and acting civil towards each other would never happen. He was a big, fat jerk. Sometimes, I wondered if he truly was my father. He never hid his disdain for me and the only time I remember him being the doting father was when I was five. As I grew older, he grew colder. Yet, he was still the loving, caring husband to Mother.I guess I should be happy that he hasn’t turned his back on her like he did with me.
“Slade is going to be there,” she whispered as she placed a dress on my bed.
I sat up straight. I thought he had other least, that’s what he told me earlier. I frowned. Was the prick lying to me?
“He said he had plans earlier. Why would he lie?”
“He’s your best friend, darling. He probably wanted to surprise you. Plus, he knows how much you hate these things.”
Damn straight I hated these things. I never understood the art of dressing up and standing around talking all night when there were plenty more interesting things to be doing.
Mother’s lips dipped into a frown. “No. That just won’t do. I know for a fact I bought you a dress for this occasion. Now, where is it?”
I turned my head in the opposite direction and forced myself to look occupied. Of course I wasn’t going to tell her that I buried that thing six-feet underground so I would never have to wear it. The thing was absolutely disgraceful! It had ruffles. Ruffles! What the bloody hell was she thinking. anyway?
I heard a distinct tapping of her foot and knew she was putting the pieces together. “Raven...” Her voice was stern and caused me to look her way.
I sheepishly smiled. “What?”
“Did you do what I think you did?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mother.”
She narrowed her eyes, and like always, I fucking caved. “Well, do you blame me? It had ruffles! Why would you make me wear something like that? I’d look like a damn marshmallow.”
The corners of her lips tilted up and she shook her head. “Always the dramatic one.”
I shrugged and removed myself from the bed. I stretched my arms over my head. “So, I guess that means I’m off the hook? I’ll see you later?”
I tried bolting from the room but she reached me before I could escape. “Not so fast...”
I groaned, if only I’d known then what she had planned the entire time.
I STOOD AT THE TOPof the stairs glaring at Mother who wore a cheeky grin on her face. “You look beautiful, darling.”