Page 25 of The Broken Queen
I turned my gaze to the older woman and back to her. “Are our detainees being well taken care of? Are they getting water, food, and a blanket?”
Her lips dipped. “I...assume so?”
I nodded over to the woman, who looked like she could pass out at any minute. Anna’s eyes grew in surprise. She quickly jumped up and asked for a guard.
I wasnotgoing to be interrogating anyone who wasn’t well.There’s no point.I knew this was a jail, but it wasn’t a prison, for gods’ sake. Hell, they get treated better in prison than they did here.
I stood from my chair and walked over to the lady. Father had said repeatedly not to get too close, because anything could happen, but I was surrounded by guards and in all honesty, the woman wasn’t in great shape.I don’t think she’ll hurt me.
I took another step until I was right in front of her. I hovered over and placed my hand on her forehead. I pursed my lips. She was warm.Too warm.
I turned to walk away but gasped when something sharp pierced my abdomen. I turned my head over my shoulder and saw her standing with a huge grin on her face.
“Gotcha.” She smirked as she removed the knife from my skin and I crumbled to the floor.
Suddenly, sirens went off and a million guards flooded the room. A man in a pair of scrubs knelt down beside me and lifted my shirt to check the wound. He reached into his medical kit and started cleaning it up. His green gaze collided with mine.
“How’s your pain level?” he asked, but my body was frozen to the ground, unable to move even if I wanted to. I was alert, so I guess that was a good thing, but the pain was steadily increasing. I didn’t have the energy to tell him that, though.
I was more humiliated than anything. I made a mistake and now I would have to pay for it.This wound was the least of my worries.The woman looked unwell, and I honestly thought...I thought she would be needing medical attention.Of course, I was wrong. She was playing me like a fool the wholedamntime. God, I hated the fact that Father was right.
“Unfortunately, we’re going to have to get this patched up, and after that you will need to take it easy, my Queen.”
His words were rambling as my eyes were steadily lulling to a close. I just wanted to disappear and get the fuck out of here.
As my eyes opened once more, I noticed him speaking into his walkie. I assumed they were going to try and take me to the hospital, but Father wouldn’t have that. Instead, he would demand I be brought back home and to get stitched up there.
Anna rushed to my side. “Oh my God, are you okay?”
I gritted my teeth, but didn’t speak.Did I look okay?
“Let’s get you home... I’ll cancel the rest of your appointments for the day. You need to get in bed.”
My head started to hurt after she started hounding me with words. The paramedic piped in. “Ma’am, she needs to go to the hospital. We need to get this taken care of now.”
“Actually, the King wants her home immediately. He has a doctor there who can get her stitched up.” There was Anna’s snark; I knew she had it in her.
Leave it to Father to keep anything happening to me under wraps.God forbidthe kingdom find out what was actually going on behind closed doors. After the pain became increasingly dreadful, my body completely shut down.Father’s going to kill me.
Chapter Twelve
“Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” Elijah asked.
I pulled the black shirt over my head. “Yep.”
“But is now the right time to make this move? During the day, when everyone can see?”
I fastened the 9mm to the holster and put my wallet in the back pocket. He was right; it was risky doing this, but I had to see what we were working with. I needed to beat them at their own game, and something told me the fiance wouldn’t go down without a fight.
My jaw ticked. “What’s your real problem?”
He stepped back. “I don’t have a problem. I just think you’re being stupid by not using backup.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “No. That’s not why you’re questioning my authority. It’s something else.”
He rubbed a hand down his face. “Fine.I think it’s bullshit you’re doing a recon mission in broad daylight without backup, because I know what your weakness is.”