Page 39 of The Broken Queen
I had convinced Lewis to let us in after I bolted out the window earlier this morning. I needed that journal to find out what really happened, not to mention Lewis let it slip that the King and his minion would be gone for a few days on a trip back to the States. It was the perfect opportunity to infiltrate my plan.I needed to hang around here as much as possible. That meant playing nice with the guards and staff of the estate. Not that I had a problem with any of them, but the King had made it known I was banned from the premises. He didn’t like me because I was a threat to him. I was a threat to what he stood for, the illegal drug trafficking ring he managed, and most of all, his daughter.
Raven was loyal to me. Even after all these years apart, she still quivered underneath my touch. She still yearned for me. She continued to stay loyal even after all the lies, betrayal, and hurt both of us did to each other.
As if that wasn’t a huge red flag to anyone with a fucking brain.
Elijah whistled, “Lewis, my man. I’m gonna need you to let us in here all the time. I need to be on a first name basis with that fine specimen.”
I shook my head. “You’re a dumbass.”
He glared at me and then grinned at Lewis. “Don’t listen to him. I’m just saying it like it is, and I’m not the only one who is all wide-eyed and tongue-tied. Mr. Scary Pants over here is all tongue tied when it comes to a certain black haired vixen.”
I rolled my eyes and looked at Lewis. “Can you get us into her room or not? I’d like to keep my promise to Julianna.”
“I can sneak you into Raven’s room, but getting into the King’s quarters even when he isn’t here is more of a challenge. It would be best to do that at night, when most of our guards are sleeping.” He grinned, “I can, however, give you a tour of the estate in case you don’t remember your way around.”
We had our differences, but he always came in clutch. I knew he was still pissed at me for “leaving” but he didn’t know the whole truth. He didn’t know what the King did, and he didn’t know what Raven did to keep me from Julianna. The memories elicited by those thoughts reignite my anger for her.How dare she!
I would get my revenge on Raven, but my first step had to be the King.I had to get answers. There were too many holes in the story.
"How long do you think they’ll be gone?” It sounded like Raven had no say in the wedding at all. Lars had everything figured out, probably down to what shoe she wore.
“Knowing Anna, all day. She’s more into this than Raven is.”Not surprised. If Raven had it her way she’d walk down the aisle in a black dress.
“Then let’s go. I need to get something from there.”
I started off towards where I remember her room to be when Elijah cleared his throat. “How do we know he’s truly on our side? You’re a good dude Lewis, but I don’t wantanyonescrewing us over and we all know how loyal you are to Raven.”
I turned. He brought up a good point, but he also didn’t know Lewis like I did. His question brought me back to a memory I thought I had locked away...
My fists hit the bag, over and over again. The anger inside of me was brewing to a point of no return. I was going to kill him. I had already decided that it would be my hands that would put the knife in his chest. He was the King, so there would be no coming back from it, but what he did to my parents...I couldn’t even think about it without seeing red.
“Your hands are going to bleed, son.” Lewis, Raven’s butler and chauffeur, had entered the room.
I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything. I kept hitting the bag, ignoring the fact that he was watching me, trying to figure me out. I wasn’t some goddamn puzzle. I was a human being that had emotions and baggage that would fuck me over one day. Oh, but I wished I was a robot. That would’ve made it easier.
I wouldn’t have the same fucking image stuck in my head. Dad tied to a chair, mom tied to one right next to him. Someone in all black torturing them for information.
“What were you sent here to do? It sure as hell wasn’t to commit your loyalty to the crown.”
Dad spit some blood on the ground and grinned. His teeth had blood stains on them, but he didn’t give a fuck. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
The man grunted, pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it directly into mom’s face. Her eyes grew wide and frantic, switching from the man to dad.
“You’re testing my patience. Tell me or I’ll put a bullet in her head.”
“Don’t tell him, honey. I’ll be okay, just take care of Slade!” Before dad could even say a word, a scream erupted from his mouth as the man put a bullet in mom’s head.
“No!!!” A scream of pure agony erupted from his mouth.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be joining her real soon.” The man chuckled and grabbed a piece of dad’s hair to tilt his head back. The gun went to the tip of his throat.
“I’m going to ask one more time, why are you here?” The man’s voice grated as he spoke, sounding like nails on a fucking chalkboard.
Dad smiled as if he was ready to give up, “To give the rightful King his throne.” With that he spit in the man’s face, and the trigger went off. A loud bang rang through the room, rattling the walls.
Both of my parents were sitting in a pool of their own blood, with their heads completely unrecognizable. The man pulled off his mask and turned to the others standing in the room. It was the King. He murdered my parents. The King paced the floor, not knowing what to think of this new information.
“Are they saying there is someone else who is supposed to be ruling this country? Someone better fit than me? What the fuck were they talking about?” He was raving, hands going into his hair, trying to figure out what cryptic message my parents revealed.