Page 15 of A Merciless Bargain
How did I miss it? Therewasa difference from before. Both bodyguards stared with undisguised prurient interest. More importantly, the one holding the disruptor against Dane had let it drop the tiniest bit. It was no longer pointing directly at my Foulan Enforcer. Dane met my gaze, then shifted his own toward the drooping weapon.
He knew!
Alberus grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him again. “Lift. Your. Arms,” he repeated in a snarl.
I took a ginormous leap of faith and allowed Alberus to continue his monologue while he groped me. Dane needed me to maintain the distraction until he could make his move. Luckily, Alberus didn’t seem to need me to interact with him. This was his fantasy, and he was acting it out.
My arms lifted, and Alberus pulled my shirt over my head then dropped it at our feet. He undid my bandeau, his tongue darting over his lips at the sight of my exposed breasts.
I waited in horrified anticipation for Alberus to touch me again. He didn’t. Instead, after dropping my bandeau on top of my shirt on the floor, he reached down to unfasten my leggings and push them down, along with my panties, to pool at my feet. The macabre side of my brain couldn’t help but hope he didn’t ask me to move. I’d fall on my ass with my clothes tangled like this.
The air felt cool on my naked body. Alberus took this moment to ogle me from tits to pussy. He cupped both breasts, his thumbs playing with my nipples, his fingers squeezing and massaging.
His large hands slid down my ribcage, pausing at my hipbones. He stepped closer, one hand sliding behind to cup an ass cheek, the other sliding past my mound to cup my sex.
“Oh,” I said in shock, despite the expectation.
“You will be making a lot more noises for me before we are done, Obedient,” Alberus grunted, his breath ragged. He used the hand on my ass to push me into the hand cupping my crotch. “You have so little hair,” he breathed onto my cheek. “It is so different.” His left hand massaged my ass cheek, and he pressed his crotch against my hipbone. The fingers on his right hand separated. He felt along my pussy folds, petting them and seeking my hole. A finger plunged into me. Then a second. Alberus pushed them in and out of my cunt. Despite the initial pain, his fingers created an unexpected slickness as they probed for my pleasure spot.
“Mmm,” I mumbled when Alberus’s fingers found it.
“That is right, Obedient. I know something about human female anatomy,” he said. “But that will not happen yet.” He withdrew his fingers from my wet pussy and released my ass. With his hands encircling my waist, he walked forward, moving me in a backward shuffle until my bare ass hit something hard. When Alberus spun me around, I saw it was the desk he’d been sitting at when we’d arrived. This side of the gleaming metal desk was empty.
Alberus pushed me flat on top of it, my breasts squishing painfully beneath me. One of his hands parted my legs, as much as he could with clothing still wrapped around my ankles. Now both hands cupped the globes of my ass. One hand releasedand then appeared before my face against the table. My mouth opened in surprise.
“Suck,” he ordered, jamming his finger into my now-open mouth.
I obeyed, silently screaming for Dane to make his move. How far would this have to go? My body had already betrayed me by getting turned on from the domination. I didn’t want it to reach its natural conclusion. Did I?
After a few moments of sucking on the Foulan’s finger, he withdrew it. His hands palmed my ass cheeks again, pulling them apart to reveal my anus. He ran a moist finger along my crack and I shivered. The desire that had been building approached a crescendo.
“You like that, Obedient?” Alberus whispered.
A large digit pressed against my crack and then breached the hole. I sucked air in through my teeth at the mix of pleasure and pain. I’d always enjoyed ass play. But we hadn’t done any preparation. Obviously. Sucking on a finger was not sufficient.
Movement of his finger in and out of my anus held all of my attention. Until one hand glided off an ass cheek and under to find my pussy. Alberus penetrated me with one finger. He moved this finger in and out in rhythm with the finger in my ass.
I wriggled on the table, hating how much I was enjoying this feeling, and wishing that Dane was the one doing it.
Wait, what?
Despite my hating the Foulan behind me, rising desire found me searching out Dane. I needed him to make his move before this shithead male made me cum. If I was going to cum for a Foulan, I needed it to be Dane.
Chapter Nine
“Dane,”I choked out at the same time he hollered, “Now!”
Heedless of the digits still penetrating my holes, I reared up and back with all of my strength, hoping for the element of surprise. And I’d be damned if it didn’t work.
A crunch of bone on bone when the back of my head contacted Alberus’s nose.
A wave of pain as Alberus’s fingers tore from my body.
Shouts of anger from the two bodyguards.
Scuffling sounds from a struggle behind me.
I spun around in time to see that, despite the handcuffs, Dane had relieved the bodyguard of the disruptor he’d previously held. Dane pointed it at that bodyguard, who dropped Dane’s satchel and started toward him. A buzzing sounded and the bodyguard lit up, as if electrocuted, and then vanished. All that remained was a slight singed smell. Holy fuck! It was an actual vaporizer. Disruptor was a woefully inadequate name for what that fucker could do.