Page 10 of The Nanny Contract
Helen’s grin disappeared and her expression tightened.
Logan smiled, and for some reason I smiled too.
The Mercers were incredibly off-putting.
Helen’s lips pressed into a frown. “We’ve heard that there’ve been some staff changes around here.”
Her gaze finally flickered to me, cold and glaring. Like I was an art exhibit she wasn’t impressed by.
“We wanted to make sure that Henry is still living in a stable environment.”
It was a dig. I knew it, plain and simple.
I was furious.
Logan didn’t miss a single beat. “The environment we’re raising Henry in is loving and attentive.”
Betsy, naturally, didn’t bother with subtlety. “If only you were around more to witness it.”
Damn. No sugarcoating from Betsy.
Robert smirked. “That’s exactly what we were thinking. As a matter of fact, we’d like to see more of Henry.”
Helen cast her awful glare at me again. “We just know how hard it must be for Henry, adjusting to a new presence in the house.”
Logan paused and cleared his throat again. “Henry is fine. You both know that I have no problem with you spending time with him.”
Helen nodded. “We were actually thinking about more than just spending some time.”
Robert added, “In fact, that’s why we’re here today: we’d love to have Henry?—”
But Helen interrupted. “Robert, no. We’re only here for part one today.”
Betsy stepped forward. “Part one? What the hell is this all about?”
Helen froze, obviously realizing she had let something slip. “We just miss Henry so much.”
Silence filled the air, thick and tense.
It seemed as if everyone was firmly in place, daring anyone else to make the next move.
Robert finally broke the silence. “It’s obviously a bad time. Maybe we could stop by this weekend for a proper visit?”
Logan hesitated, visibly grappling.
It was apparent that this was a difficult decision for him. If it were me, I’d be furious that the Mercers had shown up in the middle of the day and made things uncomfortable. Betsy turned and looked at Logan, a rare moment of deference from someone of her stature. It was almost weird—the queen stepping aside. But Henry was Logan’s son, and Logan alone could make this decision.
Logan nodded toward the Mercers. “As I said, I have no problem with you both visiting Henry. Give me a call later and we’ll schedule a time.”
Everything inside of me wanted to believe that was the end of it. But something still felt off.
It was clear to every single person in the room: this was far from over.
An hour later, I stood by and watched in awe as various Westbrook family members trickled into the grand room to learn of their potential fate in regard to the money.
They all looked absolutely eager—or maybe even desperate—to clamor for a slice of the estate.
I, on the other hand, felt nothing but anxiety over the Mercers’ visit earlier in the day.