Page 6 of Play the Last Card
I frown. “I’m sorry. I’ve been a shit friend lately—”
“Don’t. I know you’ve got stuff going on with Billy.” She throws her arms around me, squeezing me in a hug. “It’s okay. I just miss you. Let’s drink!”
Katie pushes the newly poured beer into my hands and watches eagerly as I take a large gulp, laughing as a trickle of beer escapes down my chin. Her laughter is infectious and the heavy weight that has been sitting on my chest since arriving at the hospital earlier today begins to lift.
A rush of fresh air flows through the bar as the door opens. The hair on the back of my neck stands. A shiver trickles down my spine. Chills skim over my skin. I look up, my breath catching. The butterflies in my stomach take flight and I can’t help but stare.
Chapter Three
He stands taller thaneveryone else. Did I notice that a few days ago? Did I realize how tall he is when he walked away from me?
I easily remember the way his hand felt in mine. Easily remember the way his eyes seem to change color, sliding from one shade to another with the slightest emotion.
“Fucking hell,” Katie says following my gaze.
Scott scowls at the number of people in the bar, hesitating by the door. I watch as he scans the crowd, his cap still pulled low over his face. A black t-shirt similar to the one he was wearing the other day stretches over his shoulders. His jeans are tight across his thighs, falling atop a fresh pair of sneakers. He clutches a jacket in his hand, knuckles almost white at the grip.
Maybe he doesn’t like crowds?
My gaze travels up those gorgeous arms finding his face, his eyes. They just happen to be boring right back into mine.
The blush is inevitable. This is the second time in as many encounters that he’s caught me staring.Damn it.
I need to get it together if he is going to continue frequenting the bar.
A few eyes follow him as he crosses the crowd toward us. There’s talk and whispers as he passes but as he walks toward me, no one calls out to him like they know him and no one stops him in his path. I knew I didn’t know him from school. My gaze flickers to the table of over-fifties gossip queens as they watch with wide eyes.
The blush deepens so much my cheeks are in danger of going up in flames as Scott stops in front of me. The mahogany bar top separates us and I swear there is a hint of a smile on his face as he leans over it toward me. “You allowed to drink on shift now?”
Katie looks between the two of us, shock evident in her eyes but a mischievous smile plays on her lips.
“What? No,” I reply, shooting a quick look over my shoulder at Katie before making my way around the bar. Coming to stand by Scott’s side, he turns toward me. I can only just see over his shoulder.
Yep. I definitely didn’t realize how tall he is.
I gulp, clutching the glass tightly in my hand. Waving my hand behind me, I introduce my friend.“This is Katie. Her parents own the bar.”
“Ah,” he replies. He nods a little in Katie’s direction as a greeting.
Katie jumps forward. “We haven’t met. You are?” She leans forward, hand extended, but Scott keeps his gaze firmly on me.
“Scott. New to town. Not just visiting,” he tells her without looking away from me. The heat positively burns in my cheeks as his eyes rake over my face, dropping down my body. I shift my balance from one foot to the other, and back.
Is it getting hotter in here?
Someone should crack a window or something.
I take a long sip of my beer, hoping to soothe the nerves jolting through my body.
He orders a drink when one of the bartenders that are actually working comes around our side of the bar. Another water, this time with some lime. Katie disappears into the crowd, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively at me as she walks backward behind Scott’s back.
I want to say something, anything.
The need to prolong his presence as long as I can steals through me and tightens my chest. “Settling into town okay?” I ask. He frowns, shaking his head, brows pulling together tightly.
“What?” He leans in and asks, voice raised. He can’t hear me over the music.