Page 53 of Blood and Roses
I hate this. I look at these people around me, and I find no enjoyment in their company because they are not you. Tonight will be agony for I know that as soon as I lie in bed, I will smell your perfume on my sheets, its fragrance whispering to me, igniting memories and the yearning to have your mouth fixed fast on mine. I long to break out of this house and findyou sleeping warmly in your bed. I would kiss your lush mouth as I ran my hands under your shirt to gently clasp the hot skin of your breasts. Thinking of your body laid out underneath me, the gleam of glistening sweat on your skin as you are undone by pleasure is enough to drive me mad.
But most of all, I long for the easiness of your company and the way I feel, as if you are the only one who has seen me for years.
Thank you for seeing me, Rosa.
Don't stop looking at me with that mocking gleam in your eye that says so forcefully, "I am not fooled by you, Mr. Vane. I know you."
Rosa scanned over the letter again with a face so hot, she was surprised the broken furniture didn't catch fire around her.
"Now, how am I going to concentrate on the rest of the day?" she complained as she stood up and put the letter safely in her pocket.
It was11 pm by the time Rosa managed to escape from the kitchens. The guard dogs had been moved from the house by Eli's orders, so she only had the freezing sleet to contend with. All she wanted was a hot shower and to climb into her bed, anything to quell her eagerness for a glimpse of Balthasar. As she neared the cottage, she spotted someone standing next to a tall oak tree. Her heart flipped once, thinking he might be waiting for her, but one more step, and she knew it was definitely not Balthasar.
"Hi there!" she said brightly. "You nearly scared me half to death. Can I help you?"
"Perhaps you can assist me, human woman," he said in a deep and melodic voice. He had answered in barely a whisper, but she felt it pierce straight through her.
The man was tall and lean as he stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the lamps. He was dressed formally, almost like a Victorian gentleman, with high boots and a frock coat made of leather. He had curved black eyes and a full mouth in an otherwise angular face, surrounded by long white curls. Rosa would have thought it was a wig except that it matched his eyebrows.
"How can I help?" she asked.
"I'm looking for the one that calls himself Eli. Can you take me to him?"
"Sure can. Right this way," Rosa said, waiting for him to join her before heading back towards the mansion. He made her wary of turning her back on him. There was something wrong about him, and for all of his beauty, it made her uneasy.
"Isn't it freezing tonight?" she said conversationally.
"Quite. The Solstice draws near, and the dark time is coming," he answered vaguely, his eyes darting around the building as Rosa led him up to the front entrance. He looked at her curiously. "Have we met before? You seem...familiar."
"I think I would remember you," Rosa said. "What's your name?"
"Such a thing I would never give, but some call me Celyn."
"That's not half Welsh," she laughed nervously as he stepped nearer her.
He smelled like Christmas—a mix of sweetness, pine boughs, holly berries, cinnamon, and wood smoke. It was intoxicating, and she had the urge to grip him to her and breathe deeply. She turned away from him to try to clear her head before opening the front door.
No sooner had Celyn's boots stepped onto the threshold than Eli and Balthasar appeared at the top of the staircase.
"I believe I found another of your friends wandering the grounds," Rosa said as she watched them descend.
"That will be all. Thank you, Rosa," Eli said, coolly dismissing her.
Balthasar's eyes flickered over her once, his expression bored, before turning back to their guest.
Celyn bowed to Rosa before taking her hand and kissing it. "Thank you for your kindness, my lady."
"You're welcome, Celyn. I hope you enjoy your stay at Gwaed Lyn," she said as she pulled her hand slowly out of his. She smiled at the Vanes before shutting the door behind her.
Outside, her walk towards the cottage became a sprint, her hand trembling uncontrollably as she clutched it to her chest.
Balthasar triedto keep his face neutral as Celyn turned back towards them with a satisfied smile.Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, what have you done!
"My Lord Bleddyn," Celyn bowed low, "what a lovely home you have."
"Be welcome, Celyn. Forgive me for being ill prepared. I was not expecting you until the night of the Solstice."