Page 74 of Blood and Roses
"She is going to be furious, my wild warrior." He chuckled as he took her hand gently. "Your matriarch would have been very proud of you."
"Deryn. The queen was so jealous of her. I think she is still in love with you."
"The queen hates losing. She doesn't love me."
"The book on the Vanes that you gave me doesn't tell of your life with Deryn. You told me a little about her, but I would like to know more. What about her family?Myfamily. If you were always going to have the book, then why not write the story? You said it was to protect the Wylts, but we have always been with the Vanes..."
"Sometimes, when you love something more than your own life or anyone else's, you would go to impossible lengths to protect it. Some stories are too dangerous to write. Some stories not even the Vanes—this very family I have built—can be fully trusted with."
"But I am a Wylt, not a Vane," Rosa pointed out.
"Half dead and still eager to argue. You are Wylt down to your bones; you can be sure about that," Eli said as he scooped water from the spring and poured it into a pestle and mortar.
"How many Wylts have you argued with?"
"All of them, but two most of all," Eli said sadly. "Both would flay me if they knew I was trying to turn you."
"You've never turned a Wylt before?"
"Aside from Deryn, no. I have never dared. The idea of another Wylt to fight with for all eternity makes me extremely nervous." He dipped a spoon into his concoction and filled a small glass.
"But if you haven't turned any Wylts but me and Deryn, and she is dead, then who else is around to fight with for all eternity?"
"Oh, Rosa, you imagine things in my words that aren't there. Now drink this," Eli said and tried to hold the glass to her lips.
"You are so full of shit. I didn't imagine anything." She managed a grin before taking a long drink from the glass. She gagged but held it down. "You might as well tell me. I will find out one way or another."
"One day, I might tell you that story, sweet Rosa, but for now, you must rest, or Balthasar will kill me."
"Don't be a dramatic old man. Bal wouldn't hurt you," Rosa said, snuggling into the covers.
"He threatened me with Ryn's sword, and I believe he meant it. He loves you that much."
"So he should," she mumbled before sleep took her once more.
Rosa had no way of knowing how much time was passing. She would wake, and Eli would be there to feed her the mixture. Nightmares of the Aos Si and the Autumn Queen invaded her from all sides. She was so distressed that at one point she knew she had been screaming out for Harold. Eli had climbed into the bed beside her to hold her and soothe the dreams away as if she was a little child.
Rosa fellinto a dream and saw Celyn kneeling in front of the queen beside the portal stones. Rosa watched the queen's face change to a hideous creature as her rage wracked the whole of the Aos Si. The queen struck Celyn, and the fae fell back, dead, his chest split open wide.
The queen looked down at her hand as if she was shocked that she had caused it. She held her palm to her face, studying it, before staring up at the clouds above her. The Autumn Queen sank to her knees as white snow began to fall about her.
Rosa woke againto Eli helping her sit up. "It's almost over, my Rosa," he said as he sat down behind her and put his arms around her. "There is only one final thing you must do now." Eli bit his wrist and offered it to her. "You must drink. I will not force you. It's up to you to make the final choice."
Rosa looked up at him, tears running down her face. "I think it's snowing in Faerie," she whispered, and then before Eli could respond, she pulled his wrist to her mouth and sucked.
Images swamped her, flickering faster and faster as Eli's blood rushed through her like a potent wine. Her vision blurred around her until she no longer saw earth walls but a forest all around her.
What are you?A voice asked, and she saw a man sitting by a fire, his raven hair blowing about his golden eyes.
I am a Wylt, she replied, and as she made to touch him, the ground fell out from underneath her feet until darkness enclosed her once more.
Rosa struggled, fighting her way to the surface of her dreams until her eyes opened to find herself back in the chamber, Eli's arms around her tightly.
"Where is he!" she demanded. "I saw him. Where is he?"
"Where is who, Rosa? It's only us," Eli tried to calm her.
Rosa pulled herself out of his grip and stumbled around the room, searching for the golden-eyed man.