Page 11 of Swords and Curses
Rosa stuck her middle finger up at him. "Shut up. Yes, he's all those things, but he's also serious, intelligent, and sweet."
"You would be the only one game enough in all the worlds to call Leiddiadsweet. From what Eli has told me, he is a weapon."
"Yes, but he'smyweapon," Rosa pointed out smugly.
"I still think you can't rely on him to protect you."
"The Treaty Ball taught me that," Rosa admitted softly. "The whole point of Eli wanting me there was to protect me from Celyn's intentions.Neitherof them could protect me."
"You are lucky to have a magnificent sword to practice with, a king's sword."
"I don't know, I was thinking of giving it to Balthasar."
"Give it to Balthasar!" Eldon spluttered. "It's the royal sword of the Seelie kingdom! A symbol of its kingship. It has power in its own right. It's yours now, by right of conquest. If Ryn were the king instead of the Autumn Queen's consort, you would have a legitimate claim to the throne."
"Oh." Rosa sipped her stout nervously. "Is that why the queen wantedWidow's Fury? To officially claim sovereignty over the Unseelie?"
"Yes, Rosa. This is exactly what she wants. Give it to Balthasar…bah!" Eldon got up and bought them another round of drinks, leaving Rosa to stew over swords and thrones and fae kingdoms. Eldon placed another drink in front of her, his frown gone.
"I don't see what a sword has to do with claiming a kingdom. It's only a sword."
"It is very different these days in the human world where the monarchy no longer holds absolute power, but this is a sword from an ancient culture. The sword isn't just a sword. It is a symbol, and symbols have power."
"Like Excalibur?" Rosa asked to get a rise out of him, but to her surprise, he just smiled.
"Exactly like Excalibur," he nodded. "Though you won't get more stories out of me today, so stop trying."
"Ow," Rosa whined childishly. A waitress came with bowls of chips and gravy, and Rosa could've kissed Eldon. "So what's your plan then? Get me some sword fighting lessons to ensure the Autumn Queen doesn't get the sword back?"
"And so you can protect yourself. Make no mistake, Rosa, she will send people after you. If her power is weakening, she will need to find a way to kill Bleddyn and takeWidow's Furyto keep her claim. Now that you have the Seelie sword too, she will be frantic."
"Couldn't we just wait her out?" Rosa asked, stirring the gravy with her chip. "If her power is weakening, all we need to do is bide our time."
"But she will not bide hers," Eldon shook his head. "She will throw something at us and soon. Your Balthasar will give you weapon lessons, or better yet, Eli will, and I will get you brushed up on some defensive magic." He pinched the bridge of his nose with a small groan of frustration.
"It seems no matter what I do, I always end up in a position where I'm in the middle of a war and having to teach someone."
"Poor you for being blessed with such a specific skill set," Rosa said, flicking the end of her chip at him.
"Did I mention that all my students are cocky little brats? Though you are the first one that seems to think it's appropriate to throw food at me."
Rosa smiled at him, her mouth full of mushy chips and gravy, and Eldon shook his head in despair.
Four rounds later, the sun was going down, and the pub was filling with the evening crowd. Rosa was laughing so hard, ithurt as Eldon told her a story of the time he accidentally turned himself into a goat.
"Excuse me, Mr. Blaise?" A nervous-looking publican appeared at their table.
"What is it, William?"
"There's a phone call for you, sir."
"Really? Already?" Eldon asked. "It sounds like it's for you, Rosa."
"Oh, sure, throw me into it," Rosa grumbled, following William to the back office.
"Rosamund Wylt at your service," she answered pompously.