Page 14 of Swords and Curses
"Rosaismy business. I wouldn't like to kill Eli's favorite son because he decided to use his fists to take his temper out on my kin."
"Don't insult me with such an assumption. I'd never lay hands on Rosa with violent intent. I'm not that kind of man," Balthasar growled.
"That's the problem, Leiddiad. I don't knowwhatkind of man you are. I know your reputation and the rumors however, so my warning stems from them. If you ever hurt Rhosyn, I will rain down hell upon you."
Balthasar prided himself on never being intimidated by threats, but the look in Eldon's strange Unseelie eyes filled him with a special kind of dread.
"What aboutyourintentions with Rosa? Are you here to teach her or were you lonely and in need of a drinking buddy?"
"Do I need to pick one? I see you've inherited that overbearing, controlling Italian male streak, so let me put your mind at ease. I came back to help Rosa and you all from the wrath of the Autumn Queen. I don't wish to cause any problems between you two, but get used to my presence, Balthasar Vane, because I'm not going anywhere. I've no romantic interests in Rosa. She needs a friend and a confidant that's not you. She loves you completely and in a way that's all-consuming, and theonly things that are separating you from her right now are your damn pigheadedness and jealousy."
Despite his mixed feelings towards Eldon, Balthasar couldn't help but smile. "You sound just like her when you rant."
"Shesounds just likeme," Eldon scoffed.
"Can we start over? I feel like we got off on the wrong foot." Balthasar held out his hand, and Eldon shook it, his hand strong and thrumming with power. "Also please don't call me Leiddiad."
"Why ever not? Being the assassin that the Seelie fear is one of the few things I like about you."
"It's good to know there is something," Balthasar replied. "If possible, please refrain from taking Rosa off without telling anyone. My heart can't take it."
"I understand, butyouneed to understand this one very important fact. Rosa is her own woman, and she has her own mind. I can't convince her to do anything she doesn't wish. In saying that, I can promise you that she will always be safe with me. No matter what happens, if she is with me, I can guarantee she will be okay."
"I hope so, Eldon. She adores you already, and she trusts much easier than the rest of us. If the Autumn Queen is coming, she will need both of us, and I would like us to be allies."
"Don't worry your pretty head about us, dear boy." Eldon tapped him on the shoulder. "If Rosa chose you, I trust her judgment. Now go and make it right with her. She's heartbroken. I can feel it, and I don't like it."
Balthasar stoodoutside the door to Cecily's rooms, trying to summon the courage to knock on the door. Cecily was still awayon her shopping trip, and it was the only place Rosa could be. He took a deep breath and knocked brusquely.
She's probably asleep. You should leave her be, he thought, but as he turned to leave, the door opened. Rosa was wearing flannel pajamas with rabbits on them, her hair tousled from restless turning, and at that moment, he didn't think he'd ever seen anything so adorable. His throat constricted, and he promptly forgot all the speeches he had been compiling in his mind.
"Hey," she said, folding her arms protectively around her.
"I'm… I am sorry," he fumbled. "I have the unique ability to overreact where your safety is concerned, and it robs me of my manners and common sense. I know I need to trust your judgment and that you wouldn't do anything to purposely make me worry…"
"Bal, it's okay," she interrupted. "I didn't think. I needed to get out of Gwaed Lyn even if it was only for a few hours. Eldon is…"
"Family, I understand. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."
"You had a right to. I didn't know what disappearing for a few hours would do to you."
"Just next time maybe take your phone when you decide to go gallivanting with Eldon?" he suggested.
Relief flooded him as Rosa laughed and hugged him tightly, pulling him inside.
"Get in here," she said, closing the door behind him.
"You know I would never hurt you, no matter how angry I was." He kissed the top of her head gently. "I'm sorry if I frightened you."
"Likewise. I won't run away again without telling you, I promise. Come on, let's go to sleep. I'm beat."
"Are you sure Cecily will be okay with this?" he asked, following her into the guest bedroom. He laid his coat on the back of a chair and kicked off his boots.
"Cecily isn't here. It's not like we are going to have sex in her bed, and I refuse to sleep without you," she grumbled and climbed under the covers. Balthasar lay down beside her and tucked his arm over her waist, bringing her close.
"Let's not fight again." Rosa's voice was small in the darkness. "I really didn't like it."
"Agreed," Balthasar replied, kissing her cheeks. She snuggled into the crook of his arms, and he held tightly to her, both breathing a little easier.