Page 22 of Swords and Curses
"Grab yourself a sword, Leiddiad," Eldon said, pointing at the rack.
"No need. I'm going to have yours in a moment."
Rosa's heart was in her throat, hands crumpling Balthasar's jacket as the three men attacked each other with deadly abandonment. They were jeering and laughing at each other in a strange male bonding ritual as old as time.
Rosa stopped worrying and started to watch how they moved, how they learned to anticipate what their opponent was doing, and how to throw their magic at just the right moment.
Balthasar was true to his word and had disarmed Eldon in minutes. Eldon rammed into him, and with a twist, he had flipped Balthasar backward across the mat. Balthasar groaned as Eldon jeered at him in Welsh. His victory was short-lived when Bleddyn moved too fast to see, kicked out the back of Eldon's legs, shifted to grab his throat, and slammed him to the mat.
Bleddyn moved towards Rosa in three quick strides, dipped her and kissed her with lips and power. Rosa's magic exploded inside of her, sending a dome of pink and red light out all around them. When he lifted her back onto her feet, Balthasar and Eldon were staring at them in slack-jawed wonder.
"I win," Bleddyn said and strode from the hall, leaving Rosa blushing as pink as her magic.
Over the following week, Rosa was woken at dawn, her days filled with sword and battle magic training with Eli, followed by more magic lessons with Eldon. Sometimes, they only talked, Rosa, telling him stories about her life and asking what Deryn was like.
They talked magic, what was real, what wasn't, and more often than not, they argued. Rosa had tried to float a theory about how she was surprised science hadn't figured out how magic worked, and Eldon had almost exploded the library.
"I hate all these theories of magic and science!" Eldon exclaimed passionately. "Science is the study of logic, numbers, and of trying to make sense of things under lenses. Magic is the anti-science. It's visceral and metaphysical at once. It's like trying to catch lightning in a bottle, but the bottle is made of water and emotion, and set on fire."
Rosa hadn't mentioned it again.
Balthasar and Eli began work on her tower, and she wasn't allowed anywhere near it. Knowing her as well as they did, they ensured they magically warded the construction area to prevent her snooping.
"Eli is so excited by it," Balthasar said when she complained loudly to him. "Let him do this one thing for you."
"Why? You never let him create you a room," Rosa pointed out.
"I'm an artist. I need to have space that is all me to create."
"Whatever you say,artista," she replied and kissed him, causing a sharp electric shock of magic.
"You're such a brat, Rosa Wylt," Balthasar said, in a way that made tingles run up her arms. "I'm starting to regret letting Eldon teach you magic if you're only going to use it to shock me at unexpected moments."
Rosa ran her thumb over the slight dimple in his chin. "Mmm, keep up the attitude and who knowswhereI will shock you next time."
Saul didn't return from London for over a fortnight. As much as he loved to annoy her, Rosa still hurried out to greet him when the helicopter landed.
"Little sister," he grinned, his golden hair like a halo in the bleak winter sunshine. He kissed both her cheeks, "Good to know someone missed me."
"Of course I did! You know how moody the Vane men get. You're the only one who gets my jokes," Rosa said, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.
Saul slung an arm around her. "Please tell me you've cooked something delicious for a conquering hero."
"Did you bring someone with you? I didn't see anyone else in the cabin."
Saul's arm tightened around her neck in a playful headlock. "Shut up, Wylt! I've done well this time around, trust me."
"Trust you when you are trying to choke the love of my life? Unlikely, little brother," Balthasar said, waiting for them at the front door.
"Rosa can fight her own battles," Saul said but still kissed her cheek and let her go. "Where's Eli?"
"Up in Rosa's tower."
"Rosa's tower?" Saul raised a golden eyebrow. "I might've known you'd demand your own space. Now, all we need to decide is if you're a princess or a wit… Ow!" Saul complained as Rosa zapped him.
"Watch her," Balthasar warned, shaking his brother's hand. "Between Eldon and Eli's lessons, she's becoming rather vicious."