Page 28 of Swords and Curses
The next day, Eldon didn't come for breakfast. Rosa tried to reach out to him with her magic, but she was met with a blank wall. She let it slide. The whole house was tense, and she couldn't blame him for staying away. She was still shaken from the night before, her mind burning. Eldon would know how to control it, this insatiable want and the memory of Balthasar's magic that still gripped hers.
"I wouldn't worry too much about Eldon, lass," Vera said as Rosa helped put the breakfast trays in order. "You know how moody these Vane men can be. Changing his surname doesn't mean a damn thing."
Rosa put together an additional tray, but instead of sending it up with Belinda or one of the other servants, she carried it into the passages and headed up to the tower.
Balthasar had told her of the time he had spent in the cells after she was taken, but Rosa had never been encouraged to explore them. Using the Wylt keys, she unlocked the reinforced doors and stepped inside. There were only four cells, and all were extremely clean. According to Balthasar, they didn't keep prisoners unless they had to. Any dirty business was always dealt with elsewhere.
Having spent time in a cell, Rosa felt curiously reluctant to let their latest guest suffer unnecessarily, even if a part of her wanted to. They had both been in the hands of the Autumn Queen, and it connected them.
Nimue had been shackled in her cell. Eli assured Rosa they stopped the fae from using magic, and it made her comfortable opening the cell and delivering the food in person. Nimue pressed herself against the wall, her face ashen.
"Good morning," Rosa said and placed the tray down on her bed.
"Who areyou?" Nimue demanded. "You look so much…"
"Like Deryn. Yep, I've been told. Here, you should eat something." Nimue hesitated, her pale blue eyes looking longingly at the porridge, bacon, eggs, and fruit. "It's not poisoned. Trust me; if they wanted to kill you, Bleddyn would do it with steel, not stealth."
Nimue all but fell on the food, scooping as much of it in her mouth as would fit. Despite the bruises and cuts on her face, and the ragged, dirty cloak around her, she was remarkably beautiful with a bronze sheen to her hair and golden undertones on her pale skin.
"You should slow down, so you don't throw it back up," Rosa suggested. "How long has it been since you ate?"
"My last meal was here at Gwaed Lyn," Nimue answered through a mouthful of grapes.
"But that was hundreds of years ago. How are you not dead?"
"Hundreds?" Nimue's voice was small. "The day…the bad day when Deryn died feels like yesterday to me."
"Where have you been all this time?"
"At the bottom of a lake in the Aos Si. I only escaped my prison a few days ago."
"How come you didn't drown?"
"Some trick of the queen's. I don't remember much," Nimue admitted. "Just a deep, deep cold and crushing darkness. No breath, no voice, and no hope."
"Sounds like the Autumn Queen," Rosa muttered.
"Are you a descendant of Deryn's?"
"Then you are the Lady of Gwaed Lyn now. It's a good position to be in…while it lasts," Nimue said with a touch of spite. "Do you know how long Merlin and Bleddyn are going to keep me locked up in here?"
"For as long as they wish. You left them with a somewhat lasting impression."
"I've paid for my sins."
"You'll have to convince them of that," Rosa replied.
"Will you petition Merlin for me?" Nimue asked it so sweetly, her whole demeanor changing to a crushed damsel.
Thank God, Lily isn't here, or she'd lap it up, Rosa thought, remembering the same trick Pearl used to use on her.
"Hell no, I won't petition him for you. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness, Nimue. I could happily strangle you for the pain you have caused the men in my life. I suggest you take this time to self-reflect, get your story straight and think about how you can be useful to us. It's the only thing that will keep your head on your shoulders."
Nimue's eyes grew cold, and Rosa could see Ryn Eurion looking out at her. "I understand, Rosa Wylt, but tell me, which one are you in love with?"