Page 42 of Swords and Curses
"Clear the house. Make sure all the servants are safe," Eli instructed, and then they were gone in a flurry of movement and shining steel.
In Rosa's hand,Gaeaf Storomhummed with magic, calling out for justice against her tormentors. Rosa tried to keep her mind steady so the sensation didn't overwhelm her like last time, but it didn't last as the Seelie charged them. She was aware ofBalthasar beside her, but it was a vague awareness. The sword in her hand knew what to do, and it cut through her attackers with the hot anger that burned in Rosa's heart.
A Seelie leaped off the banister, and magic streaked through the air towards her. Rosa pulled up her shields as Eldon had taught her. It deflected off her, but she felt the shape of the spell rattle her bones.Gaeaf Storomtook the Seelie's hand off as it raised for another attack. A dagger flew past her head and embedded itself into its eye. Balthasar pulled it out of its bloody head before he let it fly again. When he threw himself into the fray below, Rosa fearlessly followed.
Eldon tookthe sword from the first Seelie he cut down and tossed his other dagger to Nimue. She caught it in an easy movement and drove it into the gut of the nearest Seelie raider. She was a golden firebrand of uncontrolled fury. Whatever doubts Eldon had, there was no denying how much she hated the fae. He tried not to look at her as her magic whipped out and sliced another Seelie in two.
"Merlin, look out!" she shoved him out of the way, and the arrow soaring towards him met her shoulder with a meatythunk. She swore viciously but didn't fall.
"Pay attention, prince," she snarled. She cut the shaft smaller with a flick of her magic and threw a dagger at the archer. Eldon passed her his sword, and he picked up the dying archer's bow.
"Stay close to me, and I'll protect your wounded side," he instructed, trying to keep the rattle out of his voice.
"Now you care."
"Fuck, Nim, just do it!" he snapped. "Come on. We need to find Eli."
Eli and Saulhad cut a path to the lower levels and made sure the staff was safely barricaded in the wine cellar.
"She must've sent half an army," Saul yelled across to Eli.
"She's trying to overwhelm us. Keep going! We can't let her take Gwaed Lyn," Eli replied. He didn't want to think about the Autumn Queen walking through the halls of his home, looting and burning. Never again. He'd burn it to the ground himself first.
"She wantsyou,Bleddyn," Saul moved up beside him. "You should go in case they are too much to fight off."
"And leave my children behind? No, it's not going to happen."
Balthasar and Rosa joined them in the entranceway, protecting their backs. Rosa's eyes were burning with magic,Gaeaf Storomhumming. They shared a look, and only they understood the power in their hands.
"They are readying the next wave," Balthasar said. "Dear God, how many did she send?"
"Take it as a compliment," Eldon said from the mezzanine above them. "They've finally stopped underestimating you."
A Seelie horn sounded outside, but the tone was cut off abruptly. A great roar rose up in its place with the clash of battle.
"Outside! Quickly!" Eli shouted, and they hurried through the front doors.
A huge black-haired general swung two shining axes, leaving a trail of dead Seelie in his wake. His warriors dressed in black armor and wielding spears followed him, taking down the queen's raiders with practiced skill.
"Who the hell is that?" Rosa asked, her eyes wide.
"That's Zalan." Eli dropped his remaining shields and let wild, dark power fill him. He let out an echoing cry and jumped into the bedlam to meet his brother.
With the appearance of Zalan's troops, the Seelie scattered into the woods.
"Follow them and set wards around the stones so they can't get back in," Zalan ordered a warrior beside him.
"I'll show you the way," Saul said and disappeared with a large group to pursue the fleeing Seelie.
"How did you know we were in trouble? I've been trying to contact you for weeks," Eli asked.
"I was in the wilds and had a vision," Zalan said as if it explained everything. "I thought Vincenzo would be here."
"Baby brother didn't seem to think it was important enough."
Zalan pulled a face. "He will now. It matters not. My warriors are more than capable. I see you have a few additions to your own family." Rosa blushed vividly under the splatters of Seelie blood as Zalan's mismatched eyes stared her down.