Page 60 of Swords and Curses
The groundsof Gwaed Lyn were still when they returned to the lake and walked through the nighttime forest in silence. Eldon tried to ignore the deep ache inside of him. Telling the story had been like draining an abscess. The toxicity had gone but had left a gaping wound in its place. It was itching, and a part of himknew what he had to do, but he didn't know what it would mean if he did.
"Thank you for taking me out tonight," Nimue said, pausing on her way up the stairs to her room. "I know it couldn't have been easy for you to tell that story, especially to me." She hesitated, biting her lip before adding, "It wasn't your fault, so you need to forgive yourself for it. You're not a monster. You just made some bad choices."
"I could give you that same advice," Eldon said, moving up the stairs until they were at an equal height. "Deryn's death wasn't your fault either. The Queen and Ryn manipulated you into it. For what it's worth, I forgive you for whatever role you were forced to play."
Nimue's arms went around his neck, her fingers burying into his raven hair. "Thank you, Merlin."
He put his arms around her, bringing the warmth of her body closer to him. "Just don't put me in a tree again."
Nimue threw back her head and laughed, her magic flaming gold under her skin. Before he could listen to any of the voices telling him it was a bad idea, he kissed her. He had kissed many women in his long life, but her lips were the only ones he remembered the curve and feel of. In that moment, he gave himself over to the summer harvest taste of her.
Gods, he had missed her. When they separated, there was a shocked smile on her face.
"Looks like some things will never change," she whispered. She ran her fingers down his high cheekbones before she stepped out of the circle of his arms. "Goodnight, Merlin."
He kissed her hand. "Goodnight, Nimue."
Rosa was in the kitchen, hopping nervously from foot to foot as the phone rang.
"Rosa?" Cecily's voice sounded happy and relaxed. "How are you, darling?"
"Run off my feet and with a house full of guests," she said, pouring a cup of tea with her spare hand. "I don't know how you did it for so many years without killing everyone."
"I had a feeling that more would be arriving. Saul seemed most insistent on getting me out of the way." Cecily was silent for a long moment before asking, "Is everything okay?"
"Not exactly," Rosa hesitated, wondering how much she could tell her. Eli had given Cecily her memories back too, apart from the ones of Pearl feeding on her, but she felt the need to protect her as much as she could.God, you are turning into Eli now.
"Do you want me to come home?"
"No, Mom, no. You deserved the break, and so do the three J's. I can keep an eye on everything here and…and I can focus on what I have to do if I'm not worried about you being in the way."
"I don't exactly like you in harm's way either."
"I know, but I'm not as fragile as I was. Eli is making me sure that I'm training how to defend myself."
"He's a good man, Eli. Smart. He's not invincible, Rosa. That's why he always needs a Wylt to keep an eye on him."
"I don't think a lack of Wylts is Eli's problem at the moment," Rosa replied. "A cousin has turned up, and now we are both driving him crazy."
"Don't play too rough, Rosa."
"Me? Never."
"How's the other master of the house?"
"Bal is good. His uncle is here at the moment, and they get along well. Same brooding temperament."
"Oh, dear, another brooding Vane for you to torment."
"It's good for them. Anyway, I've gotta go, Mom. I just wanted to see that you were getting on all right."
"I'm in a chateau in Provence. I'm getting along fine."
"Rub it in, why don't you? I'll talk to you soon."
"Bye, darling," Cecily said before hanging up. Rosa had only just put the phone down when the door to the kitchen opened.