Page 69 of Swords and Curses
"You aren't going to want me if I'm hideous!" she exploded. "I was beautiful and whole when you loved me. I don't want you looking at me in pity. I don't want to see the memory of how I once was in your eyes."
"And you are so sure that's what will be there when I look at you?" He folded his arms stubbornly. "You really believe me to be so shallow? Me?"
"You won't love me like this!" Nimue exclaimed, and her glamour shattered through the air. Golden scars and burn marks covered her arms and chest, one long slash running from her hairline through her right cheek and leaving one blue eye slightly lighter than the other.
She was panting with the effects of the magic, her fear and anger and pain radiating from her as she waited for him to recoil. Instead, he closed the gap between them and took her face in his hands.
"I'll be the judge of what I love," he growled before kissing her. His hands pushed through her tangled curls, moving down her back and bringing her closer to him. He bent down so he could kiss the scar on her cheek. She allowed it before she buried her face in his chest.
"I've loved you for a thousand years," he admitted, failing to keep the emotion from his voice. "I've feared your memory, longed for your laughter, and dreamed of your smile. I hated how much I wanted you after what happened. We are the only ones of our kind, and nothing in my life has ever made me feel like I belong anywhere except being with you. I don't care about your scars. You will always be the most beautiful thing in my world. Just…just don't leave me again. I don't want to live another thousand years without you, let alone another moment. I'm so damn tired of being alone."
"Rwyn dy garu di," Nimue murmured against his neck. "I'll never leave you again."
Eldon leaned back so he could brush the tears from her cheeks, and her lips pushed up against his. Her fingers twisted in between the buttons of his shirt, and his skin buzzed from the contact. Their kiss changed, becoming deeper as his jacket fell to the carpet. A small tremble went through her as he moved his hands up her bare arms, fingers exploring the small ridges of her scars.
"Merlin, I'm covered in them. I'd understand…" Nimue fumbled, her skin flushing red when he kissed a burn mark on her shoulder.
"How fascinating, I suppose you'll have to prove it."
"I'm serious. I want to prepare you."
"In that case, you'd best be prepared to see my scar where a Roman almost took off my…" He made a sweeping cut with one hand, and she burst out laughing.
"You have a scar there?"
"I was almost circumcised and then some," he complained, his fingers brushing over the laces of her dress.
"What other scars should I look for?" she asked, popping the top buttons of his shirt.
"You'll have to find out for yourself. A man needs his secrets."
"You have enough secrets as it is."
Eldon's breath caught as she kissed the center of his chest. It had been so long since he'd been touched that every caress was overwhelming him.
Get it together, man!He tried to calm himself, but when her hands ran up his back, he couldn't get close enough to her. She laughed as his fingers struggled with the laces of her dress until he used magic to shred them.
"That's cheating."
"Cheating would be making this dress disappear altogether," he pointed out. "Something I'm sorely tempted to…" He stopped talking as his shirt fell to pieces, and Nimue gave an innocent shrug.
Eldon stepped eagerly towards her, but her hand on his chest stopped him. She walked slowly around him, tracing the lines of muscle with her fingers as she examined him. He knew she saw his own share of scars, tattoos, and memories.
He wanted to pull her dress off and drag her to the floor with him, but he held his ground, knowing it was important not to push her and to let her feel in control. Her lips along his spine made him tingle as he felt the touch of her magic and her own desire burn up through him.
"You're still so beautiful," she sighed, leaning her cheek against his back and hugging him tightly around the waist. "Even with all the world has done to you, you are still perfect."
"You only say that because you can't see my mind. It'd be more scarred than that glorious body of yours." He snagged the corner of her skirts and brought her back around so he could hold her against him.
The fire sprang to life, and the gold of her hair glowed brighter. The silk of her dress sighed as it slipped from her body, revealing gold lace lingerie. He didn't give her a moment to be anxious, but sank to his knees in front of her, kissing the soft curve of her stomach.
A small gasp escaped her lips as he ran his hands up the warm skin of her thighs, twisting his fingers slowly, taking in the softness. He whispered a command under his breath, causing blankets and pillows to arrange themselves on the carpet behind them.
Nimue pushed his shoulders backward, and Eldon lowered himself down, taking her with him, so she straddled him. She enclosed them in a wave of red gold hair as she leaned down to kiss him.
"My beautiful girl," he murmured against her lips.
"You still want me? Even like this?" she asked, using a hand to point out the worst of the violent marks.