Page 71 of Swords and Curses
"Perhaps the Creator is tired of the curse she put on the Aos Si and is helping us," Zalan said thoughtfully.
Vincenzo snorted. "You and your Creator! Next, you will say it was the power of their love."
"It doesn't matter how they got in or out. They did it," Eli interrupted. "I've thought about sending a spy, but there is none that I would be willing to part with."
"What about the Seelie girl that Merlin won't stop ogling at?"
"No. She has suffered enough at the hands of the queen," Eli said.
"Merlin would burn the Aos Si to the ground if they took her again," Zalan said, frowning at the sky as if he was watching to see if the stars were listening.
"Even better."
"He would burn Gwaed Lyn to the ground too, if we made her do it," Zalan added.
"She would be the perfect double agent. The queen thinks she still belongs to her, right?" Vincenzo turned on Eli. "You send her in to be the queen's lap dog, and she can report her movements back to us."
"It's too risky."
"For whom? She is a Seelie."
"She's still a part of my family."
"The part that got Deryn killed."
"What if we asked her?" Zalan said, distracting them before they could get at each other's throats. "Eli, she could convince the queen to bring the army to face us here."
"Bring her army? Are you fucking madder than usual?" Vincenzo demanded.
"We could level the odds of being able to pick our battlefield. She could never resist a challenge." Zalan looked pointedly at Eli. "Or you. Bait her, bring them over, and be done with it once and for all."
Vincenzo started to pace. "And what if we lose? We'd have let in an entire Seelie army to pillage Britain."
"She wouldn't bring the whole army and leave her kingdom unprotected. She doesn't know what numbers we have. She'll bring a force only big enough to combat what Nimue would've reported to her."
"I told you that I wouldn't allow Nimue to be involved," Eli snarled.
"I saw the girl fight Merlin and hold her own against Seelie warriors. I can see through the glamour. I know what the queen has done to her. I have similar scars from my time in her hands. That is why I know she'll be willing to take the risk to bring the Bitch Queen down once and for all. She wants revenge."
"She wants Merlin more. I can't ask this of her." Eli shook his head. Zalan was the best warrior of all of them and knew Gwaed Lyn's advantages if the battle should come to them.
"This is an idiotic plan, and you're just as big of an idiot for suggesting it."
"Not as idiotic as waiting for our enemies to keep weakening our numbers," Zalan replied, unfazed by his younger brother's insults.
The plan and the question were hanging in the air, and Eli fought not to flinch as he considered what he had to lose. They would never feel safe knowing that the queen was still out there, waiting for the moment to attack.
"Fratello?" Vincenzo asked after a long stretch of silence.
"I'll ask Nimue, but we must accept her answer whatever it may be."
"And Merlin?" Zalan pushed.
"If she chooses to go, then she must convince him that it's the right path to take. I will not lose my son again through my own stupidity…or his."
Vincenzo started pacing again."He will try to follow her."
"Not if she tells him to stay. He has to trust her. Otherwise, what is the point?"