Page 74 of Swords and Curses
"You do realize you are both part Vane," Balthasar stated, and he looked Merlin over. "There's no mistaking who sired you."
"I don't know how comfortable I am with that Vane part yet. The way the Gwaed Gam watch me freaks me out," Rosa admitted.
"That's because the ones that are here now are soldiers. They know that their first duty is to protect you. I'm fine with them being nervous about your safety."
"They aren't all soldiers, and I'm certain Vincenzo would have brought half of his harem." Rosa pulled a face. "I can't get how Eli can be so noble, Zalan so serious, and Vincenzo such a dilettante."
Balthasar smiled. "That's what he wants you to think. He knows people will underestimate him and draw the wrong conclusions. He's playing you until he understands you. Don't buy his bullshit for a second."
"Never,everplay him in cards or chess. Trust me," Merlin added. "He's as cunning as a fox with three legs and two dicks."
Rosa broke into a fit of laughter and retrieved the toast, setting it between them. It was strangely relaxing and joyful to have the four of them together.
Nimue and Merlin bounced off each other with sharp wit and stolen glances. It made Rosa ridiculously happy to see them together and the changes that one night had wrought in them. Her heart glowed as Balthasar's hand found hers under the table. The last few months were changing them all.
"Come on, Rosa, we have work to do," Merlin said an hour later. "You'd better grab your coat. You'll need it."
"Where are we going?" she asked, bending to kiss Balthasar's cheek and then his lips.
"Don't get distracted," Merlin insisted and took her fur lined bomber jacket from the peg next to the door and tossed it to her.
"You're so bossy."
"That's because I'm the boss," he said with a grin. "Come now, or stay here and never learn how to throw a fireball."
Rosa's face filled with excitement. "I'm coming! Just hang on."
Merlin opened the door, gave Nimue a wink, and they headed out into the freezing grounds.
"You know, you guys are rather cute together," Rosa said, all but prancing through the snow at his side. "I especially enjoy the way you both actively try not to look at each other."
"Are you going to be this annoying all day?" Merlin asked. "You are making me glad that Deryn and Eli never had another child."
"Don't pretend to be surly about it. I'm happy your grumpy ass is getting some sex. I'm even happier it's with Nimue who you are so obviously in…" A snowball hit her in the back of the head, and she rounded on him. "You don't want to start this game with me, old man."
"Stop talking about my love life, and I won't throw snow at you."
"You wait until I learn how to throw that fireball, then I'll show you."
"Dream on, youngling."
"Seriously though," Rosa said, taking his hand and squeezing it. "I'm glad you guys have made up. She couldn't keep the smile off her face."
A faint blush crept up from underneath his green and blue tartan scarf, but she didn't want to embarrass him by pointing it out. If nothing else, it was good to know that the great and powerful Merlin was also a fool in love.
They walked slowly around the lake, neither very interested in lessons just yet. Rosa kicked at the ice on the shoreline with the toe of her boot, wondering if the whole thing would freeze over.
"I'm surprised you mentioned Arthur this morning," she said, wondering how far she could push her luck.
"Did I? It was probably because you mentioned the way the Gam reacts to you. You are the Lady of the Lake now and…"
"Say what?" Rosa's head snapped up. "I'm the what now?"
"The Lady of the Lake was always Deryn's title. I thought that was obvious. You are the princess of her blood. It's your title to claim."
"But… But how is that possible? The Lady of the Lake gave Arthur his sword, and Deryn died long before Arthur was born."
"True, but I still brought him here to receive the sword. It needed a legend to give it power amongst the people."