Page 83 of Swords and Curses
"What about Nimue?"
"The queen is testing her loyalty. She knew that would happen," Eli said, clearing his throat. "I can feel her through our connection. She is distressed, but much of what you saw was for the queen's benefit. Nimue told me to trust her, and that is what I am doing, even if it pains me to do it."
"And the knights?" Rosa could still feel their presence and aura of terror.
"We will be prepared for when they come." The door opened, and Eli shifted beside her. "What did you give her, Merlin?"
"Nothing, hazelnuts, that's it," Merlin said, collapsing in the chair opposite her. "What else did you see, Rosa?"
"I saw… I saw Arthur," she said, and Eli's arm tightened around her.
"How do you know it was him?" Merlin asked, his eyes narrowing.
"He was asleep in a forest of glowing trees. He was in a great stone box, and Merlin…" Rosa reached across and took his hand. "Merlin, I think he moved when I touched the sword."
"He couldn't have," Merlin said, his face draining of color. "Visions can be unreliable. You may have seen what you wished to see."
"I know what I saw," Rosa began to argue, but Balthasar came in. He was unshaven and disheveled, looking almost as bad as Merlin did. Whatever anger she still harbored evaporated at the sight of him, and she was up and in his arms in a moment.
"Take her upstairs, Bal," Merlin suggested. "She's had a rough day."
Balthasar didn't questionher as he ran the large bath back in her tower. Rosa was shaking and sipping the glass of cold water he'd given her. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and on the way upstairs, she had spotted a pile of destroyed canvases. He made to leave her, but she took his hand.
"Please stay," she whispered, and he nodded. She took off her clothes and settled in the hot water, bringing her knees up to her chest. He climbed in and wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I wanted to tell you so badly, but Nimue made me promise. I couldn't betray her trust, not after everything she has been through."
"I get it," Rosa sniffed, "but you don't understand what that place is like. You were only there for a few hours, and I was there for weeks. I know what the queen is capable of! Nimue is suffering right now. I just wish there had been another way.I'm sure if you had all told Merlin, he could have thought of something."
"And if there was no better way? Merlin would have locked Nimue up without listening to any reason." Balthasar combed his fingers through her wet hair. "Trust me, I understand that impulse."
Rosa looked over her shoulder at him. "You would lock me away in a tower?"
"If I thought it would mean that no one would ever harm you again? I'd…" he rallied when her eyebrow rose, "I'd ask your permission first and then if that failed, I would use my powers of seduction."
Rosa couldn't help smiling, even though her insides were churned up. "I'm afraid, Bal."
He kissed her wet shoulder before resting his face on it, "I know,amore. I am too. I can feel the battle coming like a storm thundering in the distance. I used to love this feeling, the anticipation. Now, I feel like it's suffocating me. I feel restless like I'm trapped in a cage."
"I saw her army. We aren't going to have enough warriors," Rosa said.
"Numbers aren't the only factor in a battle. Zalan and Eli haven't been idle. You need to have faith in us as well as Nimue." Balthasar held her tighter. "We are going to get through it."
"You know most regular couples worry about whether or not they will end up moving in together…or if they will kill each other on their first holiday," Rosa joked lamely. "They don't have to worry about death and dismemberment by a psychotic queen because she wants Merlin's father."
"But it is more exciting," he said, and she laughed despite herself. "There is nothing regular about us, Rosa Wylt, so we are never going to have regular problems. I'm just selfishly happy that I have you in my arms right now."
"After all this is over, I am going to do two things," she said, shifting so that she could look at him.
"Tell me."
"First thing, you and I are going on a very long holiday," she stated, placing a hand on his muscled chest. "Somewhere far away where there is no reception."
"And the second?"
"I'm going with Merlin to check on Arthur's tomb."
"I'm sorry, say that last one again?" Balthasar's face was lit up with genuine shock. "You don't meantheArthur."