Page 28 of Mace
I took her straight to a table along the back wall and motioned for the brother who was working the bar to bring us some drinks. I figured she could always hide behind a big mug of beer. And hide she did, peering around her mug to see who was present and if they were too compromised to talk. Newsflash, they were all too busy to bother with visiting us or anyone else. It’s the sort of place where any socializing was done one-on-one. Or possibly more, in the far corner I could see two of my club brothers tag-teaming one of the club girls.
I grabbed Alicia’s arm steering her away from that sight and led her over to the juke box. It was a vintage addition that everyone loved. I fed a tenner in it and picked several songs that we could slow dance to. It gave us something to do besides stare. And slow dancing with Alicia was my new favorite thing because she pressed her body against mine and allowed me to kiss and nuzzle her neck.
Being this close to her made my cock rock hard. It took her a minute to notice, and it was funny when she did. Her hazel eyes went wide with surprise, and she bit her lip. She discretely pointed to my cock and asked quietly, “Does it always do that when you come down here.”
I laughed, “No darlin’, it always does that when I’m close to you.”
“What do you normally do about it?”
I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I normally stroke myself until I come while thinking about you.”
When she looked up at me, I see the little wheels in her head were turning. “What if I stroked it for you?”
I almost stopped in my tracks, “Is that an academic question or are you volunteering?”
She stopped chewing on her bottom lip long enough to answer. “Maybe a little of both.”
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go sit down and I’ll show you how it works down here.”
The minute my ass hit the seat, I pulled Alicia into my lap so she was straddling me. She gave a little squeak of surprise but came willingly. “See how all the other couples are sitting, with their old ladies in their laps with their backs to everyone?”
She glanced around before responding. “I had noticed that. Yes.”
“It’s a pose that makes whatever we’re doing more private.”
It took her minute to think it over and then she nodded.
“We don’t have to do anything but if you want to follow through with that offer, you can open my pants and touch me.”
I slid my hand up her skirt and squeezed her ass cheeks. “If you want, I can take your panties off or put my fingers inside to pleasure you.”
“Out of all that, what sounds good to you?”
“I want to touch you first,” she answers with no hesitation.
I reached down and unbuttoned the top button of my jeans. “Miss Alicia, I’d be mighty proud if you stroked my cock here at the Dark Slayers clubhouse.”
She laughed and relaxed a bit in my lap. “What’s up with the southern accent?”
“I thought if I role played a prim and proper southern gentleman, it would help you relax. Is it working?”
She shook her head. “No. Not really. I don’t ever want you to be anyone but yourself.” And with that, she leaned over and gave me a lingering kiss on the lips. Our first kiss was sweet and sexy and made of all the things I’d come to love about her. I’d already tasted her lips when I’d jokingly asked her to kiss me to make up for what she’d said about my eyes. Now as her lips parted, and my tongue tangled with hers it felt like something sacred. I didn’t want to think about how many women I’d kissed, at a time like this—but I knew that none of them had this effect on me. She continued kissing me as she unzipped my jeans and fondled my cock awkwardly.
I slid the fingers of one hand through her hair and pulled her head back to look into her eyes. “Take me out and stroke my cock with both hands.”
“Both hands?” she asked innocently.
“Yeah, I’m more than a handful.”
Looking down at the rather huge bulge in my pants she said, “Oh, that explains a lot.”
I chuckled until she pulled my cock out, taking a moment to admire it before stroking up and down again with both hands, just like I asked. And it felt so good, I had to suppress a groan of pleasure. Everything about this moment spoke to me as a male, but most especially having my own sweet little woman who wanted to stroke my cock, wanted to give me pleasure. The club girls tended to ignore me when I was a prospect, but I did okay with women in general. Though most of them just wanted to ride my thick cock and call it a night, not wanting to take time getting to know me.
Unable to resist, I ran one hand up between her thighs to find her panties were soaked for me. When I stroked one finger over her clit, she made a needy sound of pleasure. “I’m going to stroke you while you stroke me, okay sweetness.”
She nodded and kept on tugging on my cock with her soft delicate hands. Meanwhile, I slid two fingers into the side of her panties, wetting my fingers in her slick honey while I explored how she liked having her clit touched. Came to find out, she liked having the gentle pressure around the sides. I sat there enjoying the long smooth stokes she gave my cock and took my time driving her wild with my fingers. I made her come three times before I tucked my hard cock back into my pants, picked her up,and carried her to my room. When I tossed her onto the bed and started taking my clothing off, she followed suit.
Chapter 11