Page 59 of Faith
“Marta’s already here.”
“Marta’s here?” She closed her eyes. They had wanted to keep their relationship quiet, and this was not the way to do it.
“Don’t worry. I brought your robe to the room and Marta is busy making a wonderful breakfast for both of us.” He sat down on the bed. “I still have not heard a thank you from you.”
“For what?”
“The coffee.”
She smiled. “Thank you for having Marta make my cup.”
Jensen frown. “I made your cup, woman.”
“Really? You know how I like my coffee?”
“Yes. You like it to be the color of a camel, with two sugars.”
He sounded so disgusted that she didn’t believe him, she leaned forward and kissed him. “Sorry. Thank you.”
“Four years of being in each other’s pockets, I think I would know.”
“I apologize.”
He grumbled before taking a sip of his own coffee.
“I need to shower.”
“Yes, and we have a teleconference this morning.”
“With the Johnsons. I was checking my email earlier?—”
“How long have you been up? Why did you let me sleep so late?” She started to slip out of bed, but he set his hand on her thigh. Even through the sheets, she could feel his body heat.
“It isn’t that late. It’s just after six. They emailed me last night.”
“When do they want to start?”
“They said eight, I asked them to push it back to ten.”
She studied him for a second, as she sipped her coffee. “And why would you do that?”
“Because they have to understand that I’m not sitting around waiting for them.”
“But we are in a way.”
“Because we choose to. I knew you wanted to come over here to spend some time with Serenity, so I told Mother it was best we did it this way.”
She blinked. “You did not. Your mother insisted. That’s what you told me.”
“I lied.”
For a long moment, she couldn’t think of what to say. They were there for the business dealings, that was true, but with today’s technology, there was no reason for them to physically be there. They could have done this from England. It was true his mother liked the personal touch, but she had thought it a little odd they were in Hawaii.
“Are you telling me you came halfway across the world for no other reason than I could spend time with Serenity?”
Now, he didn’t look so sure of himself. He shrugged and looked out the doorway that led to the balcony.