Page 10 of Guarding Fable
I smile at him, contentment filling me. It’s like we vibrate together when we’re in the same room. When we’re apart, it feels as if I’m out of step with the world. It’s so weird.
“It’s just Frank. I don’t know if you remember him, but he’s the deputy who was in charge of the accident site.”
Again, I nod and stay seated. When he opens the door, I hear him curse.
“I said to come alone,” he says, standing in the doorway so I can’t see who is there.
“I know, but she heard me talking to you, and you know wives.”
“No. I don’t know them.”
“Oh, get over yourself,” a female voice says. “I stopped by to drop off some extra clothes for your company.”
Leo grunts and I have to fight a giggle. He’s so sweet to me. It’s funny seeing this side of Leo. He’s like a big bear, but Iknow his growl is just to protect me. That makes me like him even more.
“I swear if you don’t let me in, I’ll call your mama.”
That gets Leo moving, and that does make me laugh. He pulls the man—I’m assuming it’s Frank—aside to talk with him. The woman comes walking toward me. She’s tall, with a full figure and a ready smile. She has the kindest eyes and a shock of red hair that is so bright it can’t be natural.
She would make a good subject.
I blink.
Again, with the art.
“Hey, there,” she says much more softly than she was when she threatened Leo. “My name’s Mirabelle, and I work as dispatch at the station. That’s my husband Frank over there talking to the Sheriff.”
“I’m Fable, I think.”
Her eyes soften even more. “Fable is a beautiful name. I brought you some clothes. We have some sweatpants from the department. No one could wear a small, and Frank said you were tiny.”
I smile, immediately liking her. Concern shines in her eyes, and I think I wouldn’t mind having her as a friend. I blink as my smile fades.
“Are you okay?”
“Fable?” Leo says as he rushes back over to where we are standing. “What’s wrong?”
I shake my head. “Just another memory that came to me. Or a thought.”
I don’t want to admit my thoughts to these two new strangers. Of course, I didn’t think twice about revealing all kinds of things to Leo, but this is different.
“Hey, listen, we’re going to get going,” Mirabelle says, giving me a wink telling me she knows I’m close to beingoverwhelmed. “Tell the sheriff to give you my number if you need to have some girl talk or whatever. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be surrounded by men.”
I give her a smile. “Thank you, Mirabelle.”
She hurries Frank out the door, and then Leo and I are alone.
“I’m going to go put these in the bedroom, then I’ll help you clean up.”
He nods, and I hurry away, trying to deal with all these warm feelings he gives me. I know he’s nice to me because he wants to solve the mystery and send me on my way. Why does that make me so sad? Is it just because I don’t remember my family? Am I clinging to Leo because I see him as my savior?
I put the sweats away and join him back in the kitchen. He as almost everything cleaned up. I frown. “I wanted to help.”
He shrugs. “I’m used to handling my own cleaning.”
“Well, until I leave, I want to pull my weight.”