Page 127 of On the Double
He sighed, pausing his work to look at me. “Are you going to leave her if I say yes?”
I shook my head. “Can’t. I think I’m in love with her too.”
“I’ll remember you said that.”
Everything was growing dark around me, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t because of the alcohol. I hadn’t drunk enough to black out. “Please don’t. I’m pretty sure I’ll regret this when I wake up.”
My eyes drifted closed and I saw the concern on Lock’s face as he grabbed me by the face, forcing me to look at him. I smiled—well, I thought I did. Who the fuck really knew?
“Hey, don’t pass out on me. We still have to get you out of here,” he yelled. “You better not kill me for this.”
I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but then I saw him pull the packet from his bag. I knew it would fucking hurt, but my brain wouldn’t accept what was about to happen.
I felt the jab to the chest before the rush of adrenaline hit. Then I really fucking felt the pain in my chest. The needle was fucking huge. I sat up with a gasp, my eyes wide as saucers as I tried to regulate my heart rate.
“Fucking hell,” I grumbled. “That hurt.”
“Well, I need you awake. We have to get to the plane.” He slapped a bandage on my side and taped it down. Then he shoved his hands under my arms and hoisted me to my feet.
I grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. “Do me a favor.”
“What is it?”
“When we get home, remind me that I said I loved her.”
“So you can tell her?”
I shook my head. “No, so I can remind myself how fucking stupid I am.”
“We don’t need to wait until we get home for me to remind you of that.”
I hobbled along beside him as we made our way to the door. “You good?”
“Fucking peachy.”
“Good,” he said, shoving my gun in my hands. “Because it’s gonna be close, and I would really appreciate it if we could get back to Juliette in one piece.”
“And without my dick in another woman.”
“Hey, I make no guarantees,” he chastised. “I have no control over your dick.”
He shoved the door open and light pierced my eyes. With the adrenaline coursing through me, everything seemed sharper, clearer. I moved with a speed I hadn’t thought possible, letting my body do what came naturally. With my weapon in my hand, I fired at anyone who dared come near us. Lock got us moving to the extraction point, keeping me upright along the way.
“Nine o’clock!” he shouted.
I turned and fired without thinking. Chaos swirled around us, but half of that was the medicine pumping through my veins. I didn’t think as I fired at the men charging us. Their numbers were dwindling by the second—half of them fled after we took out their leader. All that was left now were the few members of the cartels who were still hopeful they could rebuild and take over, but that wouldn’t happen for years.
“Up ahead!” Lock shouted.
I nearly shot my the wrong guys at Lock’s words. Thankfully, I hadmy wits about me enough to realize the men ahead of us were my own teammates.
“Jesus, Lock, I nearly shot them!”
“Stop bitching. You didn’t.”
We stopped running about a half mile from the extraction point. My legs were shaking and blood was still seeping from my wound. I gave myself another ten minutes before the adrenaline wore off. I could already feel the effects slowly dimming.