Page 141 of On the Double
“That’s uh…that’s good.” He pulled a bag out from behind his bag and held it up. “I uh…brought soup.”
“Oh, perfect.”
“Good. Is Oliver home tonight?”
“No. He’s going out.”
He nodded, frowning slightly. “That’s good. Listen, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Sure. Just let me grab some bowls.”
I busied myself in the kitchen, trying my best not to start shaking as I touched my stomach. He couldn’t actually see anything. It wasn’t like I became pregnant and my stomach blew up. But that didn’t stop mefrom freaking out that he might somehow find out before the night was over.
“Got them,” I smiled, setting them on the kitchen table.
He brought over the soup and pulled it out, setting it down. “Listen…I was thinking about our situation.”
“And how we practically live together.”
“Well, I mean, I still live here.”
“Right.” He frowned again. When he didn’t immediately start talking, I grabbed spoons and found some napkins. Then I went back for drinks. Hell, there was nothing else I could get. I was just going to have to sit down at the table with him and eat.
“So…what did you want to talk about?”
The seconds dragged on before he shook his head. “Uh…it can wait.”
I gave a half-hearted smile and dumped my soup into the bowl. As I stirred it, the smell wafted up to my nose, making me groan as my stomach turned. Maybe soup wasn’t such a good idea.
“No good?” Edu asked.
“Uh…I think my stomach just isn’t ready for anything else.”
“Yeah, I might have caught what you have.”
That was highly unlikely.
“Maybe I should just go,” Edu said, shoving back his chair.
No, if he left, I wouldn’t get one more night with him. I needed it like I needed air. “Wait!” I shouted, my eyes filling with tears. He turned and watched me carefully as I nearly fell apart in front of him.
“Just…don’t go yet.”
“I can see you tomorrow.”
“I know, but you were gone and—” Shit, how else was I supposed to explain my tears?
“Harper,” he sighed. “You know I’ll be out on jobs in the future.”
I nodded, my heart already breaking as he slid his hand around my neck and pulled me closer. I was desperately trying not to break down like a mad woman in front of him, but it was nearly impossible.
“This is…this isn’t going to work like this,” he muttered.
“I know. I’m sorry I’m being so emotional.”
He sighed, pulling me against his body. When his lips connected with mine, I sucked back the tears and ignored all the warning signs going off in my head, telling me I was only going to hurt myself.