Page 8 of On the Double
“Not a fucking chance in hell!” he shouted, chasing after me. I ran for the elevator, then hit the alarm to keep him from getting on. Thedoors slammed shut and I was immediately catapulted five floors below to the vault. When they opened, I immediately went to the comms systems and got IRIS on the line. It would show up as an emergency call, so I knew he would answer.
“What’s going on?”
“I need you in the vault.”
“The vault?” he questioned, his face serious on the screen.
“ASAP. It’s an emergency.”
“I’ll be right there.”
“And IRIS…don’t bring anyone with you.”
He quirked his lips to the side and slowly turned. The screen followed him, showing me Slider and Thumper, who looked very curious. “If that was meant to not be heard, you have terrible timing.”
“Just get your ass down here.”
“Geez, alright. I’m on my way.”
I paced the room until they showed up—all three of them. “It’s about time.”
“Would you relax?” IRIS sighed. “Fuck, it’s only eight in the morning. What could be so important?”
“How about your boss losing his fucking mind?”
IRIS’s eyebrows quirked up at that. “I just saw him in his office. He looked fine to me.”
“He’s not taking any jobs.”
“Maybe he needs a fucking break,” Thumper retorted. “He just lost his brother. Give him a fucking minute.”
“You don’t get it,” I said frustratedly. “He’s sitting in his office and he won’t go anywhere. He’s shutting down.”
“Maybe he needs that,” Thumper said.
“Maybe you should shut the fuck up and listen to me.”
“Ooh, things are getting heated,” IRIS grinned. “I smell a battle coming on. Are you gonna take off the leg, Thumper?”
Thumper glared at IRIS and he immediately backed down.
“I’m not asking for your help. I only need IRIS.”
IRIS puffed out his chest. “He only needs me.”
“You’re not blowing anything up,” Thumper grunted.
“Just something small,” I interjected. “Just enough to get Cash out of the office so we can get in there.”
“For what purpose?” Thumper asked incredulously.
“To get to the files of jobs,” I said, hating that I had to explain everything to him. “Since he won’t leave the office, we need to flush him out—like the enemy.”
“Are you fucking crazy? You’re going to set the place on fire, all to get some files?” Thumper snapped. “Slider, back me up here.”
I turned to him, raising my eyebrow at him.
He leaned back against the wall and grinned. “I’m just enjoying the show.”