Page 95 of Hurry Up And Wait
“Yes, why?”
“I don’t know, you sound all croaky.”
I rolled my eyes. Well, there went my seductive voice. “I was just laying down. So, are you almost here? I have on the sexiest outfit for you, and my sister is nowhere in sight.”
But instead of getting the enthusiastic response I had hoped for, silence filled the line. “I’m not coming home.”
The happiness inside me instantly deflated. He wasn’t coming home, which meant I wouldn’t see him until next weekend. “Oh,” I said, trying not to sound as miserable as I felt. “Well…I’ll see you in a week, right?”
But again, I was met with silence. “I’m not sure when I’ll be home.This job…it’s not going the way I thought. I’m hoping I can end it soon.”
I didn’t know much about security or protection, but the way he phrased that didn’t sound right to me. He was hoping to end it soon…Did that mean he was going to kill someone to put an end to it? I had so many questions, but I kept my mouth shut as I thought them through. I didn’t want to become the girlfriend who constantly questioned her boyfriend.
“It’s fine,” I went with, hoping that didn’t sound like I didn’t care. “I’m sure you’ll be home when you can.”
“I miss you,” he murmured. “More than you know.”
And I really wanted to leave it at that, but my stupid brain just wouldn’t stop wondering about this job. “You know, you never told me about this job. What is it?”
The question caught me off guard. “I was just wondering. You never actually told me what kind of job you were doing that you could come home on the weekends. Are you guarding an heiress or something?”
“Nothing like that.”
But when he didn’t say more, an uneasy feeling spread through my gut. “Okay…is it someone in trouble with the mob or something?”
“Look, I’ll be home when I can. I promise.”
“I didn’t think you wouldn’t be,” I said carefully. “Kavanaugh, is there a reason you don’t want to tell me about this job?”
He huffed out a laugh. “No, I just don’t like to talk about the job when I could be talking to you about more interesting things.”
“And I love that too, but I’m asking.”
“Look, it’s just a job. There’s nothing special about it,” he said irritatedly. “I didn’t realize you didn’t trust me.”
Wow, talk about defensive. Maybe he was just having a bad day. Or maybe he was just pissed because he wasn’t coming home. Either way, pushing to find out more information right now wasn’t the way to end this night.
“I do trust you. I’m sorry, I was just curious.”
A heavy sigh filtered through the phone. I could imagine him running his fingers through his hair in frustration, messing up that perfect mop of brown hair. “I’m sorry. I’m just pissed. I wanted to be with you, and when you answered the phone and told me you had something special on for me…Fuck, I’m really pissed right now.”
That gnawing feeling in my gut eased significantly at his words. He was frustrated and I was making things worse by picking at something he didn’t want to deal with. “Hey, I’m sorry. I just wish you were home. But we can make the most of it.”
“Yeah?” He didn’t sound too hopeful that I could save this night. So, I was going to have to prove to him that it didn’t matter if he was halfway across the country. We could still enjoy the night together.
“You know, we could always turn this into a video call.”
“What did you have in mind?” he choked out.
“Well, I could show you my negligee, and then you can walk me through exactly what you would do if you were here with me.”
I bit my lip as he groaned over the phone. “Fucking hell, now I’m really pissed I’m not there.”
“I have a bottle of wine and the house to myself for the next twelve hours. That gives us plenty of time to explore all the ways we can make each other come without actually touching each other.”
His tortured groan slid over the line and straight to my clit. “Fuck, I really wish I was there with you.”