Page 15 of Dear John
His low chuckle told me all I needed to know. “Even if I could stop them, why would I want to? Son?—”
“I’m not your son,” I spat, ready to reach through the phone and strangle him.
“Be that as it may, I will tell you right now that even if I wanted to stop them, I couldn’t. There is not a force big enough on this earth to take them down. Everything you thought you knew is a lie, and if you continue down this path, you will put everyone you love at risk,” he said, his voice turning deadly. “Including me, though you may not love me anymore. If you want to know, there’s a price to pay.”
“For information or for names? What exactly are you bargaining?”
“My protection. Once I tell you who is behind all this, the only thing that will give me an ounce of security is to win the election.”
“That’s over a year away!” I spat. “You really expect me to wait that long?”
“I’m not asking you to wait. You’ll have to provide me with security. As soon as I tell you, our fate is tied. It’s your decision, but think it over. Decide if you’re willing to risk the lives of the men you work with. And whether you can put Isla through this.”
I didn’t think for one minute he was lying about this. I knew when the senator was screwing me over, and this wasn’t one of those times. “I can’t be there tomorrow.”
“I can put tomorrow’s interview off until you decide. But don’t wait too long. I’m sure even now there are people listening.”
He hung up, leaving me stunned. I looked out into the night, moisture building in my eyes from the cold. My body was shivering despite the heat rolling off me. I was pissed, not only because he withheld the truth, but because this meant I needed to see Cash, and fast.
But after everything that happened with the senator and Cash, I wasn’t sure I could rely on either of them or put myself through this again. And what about Isla? Ensuring the senator would win not only the nomination, but would also be elected to the presidency, was something that required my help. As he said, people were interested in this bill I suggested, and while I knew his campaign didn’t solely rely on my support, it would help.
Of course, I could get what I wanted and walk away. I really didn’t think the senator would make a good president, other than the fact that he was perfectly capable of lying to the people’s faces while smiling and spoon-feeding them lies. Wasn’t that all that was required nowadays? But I wasn’t him. I wouldn’t hang him out to dry. If he was right and this was as dangerous as he said, I would have to ensure his safety. Even if I did disown the piece of shit, I never went back on my word.
The door opened and Bowie stepped out behind me, shutting the door as he shivered in the cold. “Is there a reason we’re standing out here in the fucking cold at three in the goddamn morning?”
I sighed heavily. “I got a call from the senator.”
“What the fuck does he want?”
“Something I’m not sure I can give,” I muttered. “But it might be something Cash needs.”
I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. “The last time you did something both of them needed, you nearly lost Isla.”
“Yeah,” I sighed.
“Are you going to tell her?”
Fuck, it was the middle of the night, I was exhausted, and now I had to make decisions that could potentially alter the course of my life. Was I going to tell her?
“I need to talk to Cash first.”
I could hear the frustration in his sigh. He didn’t like that I could fuck things up with Isla. Because fucking things up with Isla would be problematic for Riley.
“Don’t worry, I’m not doing anything without working it all out first.”
“Make sure you do that. The last thing this house needs is more pissed-off women.”
I laughed at that. “Tell me about it.” I glanced at him. “What are you doing up?”
“Can’t sleep,” he said, wincing slightly.
“Your leg bothering you?”
He was in a cast still, but moving around much better than he had been. “That and the rest of my fucking body.” He jerked his gaze at me. “Don’t you dare say a word to Riley. The last fucking thing I need is her yelling at me.”
A smile split my lips. “This is serious, isn’t it?”
“I wish I knew,” he scoffed. “Already been married twice, and didn’t want it either time.”