Page 41 of Dear John
I studied the jacket way more than any person should. “I don’t like the jacket. It’s…I never wore anything with long sleeves if I didn’t have to when I was on the island. The air was warmer and?—”
And Ebarardo didn’t like me wearing long sleeves. I’d put on long sleeves out of sheer necessity here. It was colder and there was no way I could walk around without something warmer. But after what happened the other day, I was more aware of all the ways I was failing Ebarardo.
“Look,” Knight sighed. “Kate has to go in to work and I need to watch the kids today. I don’t know if you’ve ever been around kids before, but they’re a pain in the ass. I could really use your help.”
I chewed my lip, warring between going with him and finally meeting these little people I’d heard very little about, or staying behind where I was comfortable, where I knew Ebarardo would want me. I really wanted to meet them, but I could hear Ebarardo’s voice in my head, telling me it wasn’t safe.
“Isabelle, do you really think he wouldn’t want you to meet your family?”
Actually, I was pretty sure he would tell me everyone was a threat.
“How about just for a half hour? I’ll have you back before lunch.”
I glanced at the clock, still uncertain this was a good idea. But what could it hurt to go for only a half hour? “No longer than that,” I said, trying to sound confident and in control.
He nodded and headed for the door. I found it curious that Knight never waited for me. When he was ready to leave, he left. Ebarardo always held my hand or guided me into a room. I wasn’t used to feeling like this—so adrift. I followed close behind him, pulling the jacket on as we walked through the tunnels and then made our way up in the elevator. I tried my best not to fidget and pushed the accusatory look I knew Ebarardo was giving me to the back of my mind. It was a half hour. That was nothing. I would be back before Ebarardo even knew.
If he was still alive.
Once we were in the parking garage, I followed Knight to his truck. I hadn’t been in a vehicle since they brought me here from the hospital. “We’re not leaving, right?”
“No, I live on the property.”
At least I had that going for me. He didn’t help me into the passenger side or wait for me to get my seatbelt on. His gaze didn’t stay fixed on me as if I would bolt at any moment. It was so odd, and it made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t want to examine too closely why that was.
We pulled up to a two-story house and I was immediately on edge. This was it. I was about to meet my family. Little humans that didn’t know me or have any idea about all I’d lost in the last few months. Maybe that was a good thing. They wouldn’t ask a bunch of questions, right?
I opened the door and climbed out of the large truck, terrified out of my mind. I could do this. I would be fine. Knight opened the door and was nearly hit by some orange thing flying through the air. His hand closed around the object and he glared at someone further inside. My insides curled up at that look. I recognized it all too well. He was pissed, and when men got pissed, things went south fast.
I was already backing up when Knight snapped at whoever it was. “Griffin, your aunt is here to meet you. Put down the Nerf gun and pretend you have some manners.”
I prepared for Knight to run forward and take out his anger on his child, but that didn’t happen. In fact, he turned to me and waited patiently. Maybe the reprimands would start once I was inside. Did I really want to go in there where it was a big world of unknowns? I’d always trusted Knight so much. Well, maybe trust was the wrong word. I felt comfortable around him. But right now, I wasn’t sure of anything.
Then a little head peeked out around the door with a mop of dark curls and the same eyes as Knight. He couldn’t be even twoyears old yet, but he had a head of hair like an adult. With orange all around his mouth, it was clear he’d gotten into something, and the mischievous grin on his face made it clear that whatever he was planning next wouldn’t be fun for anyone but him.
My eyes rose to Knight in question. Was I supposed to do something? “Uh...I’m Isabelle.”
He cupped his hand over his mouth and giggled, then turned and ran into the house.
“Was it something I said?”
He shook his head. “No, that’s Maddox. He’s…” He sighed heavily. “I guess you’ll find out.”
And with that, he walked further into the house. Hesitantly, I followed him, peering around the corner. I didn’t want to intrude, but he did bring me here. What I saw, I totally did not expect. Knight was sitting on the ground as Maddox climbed all over him, pulling his hair and smacking his hands over his dad’s cheeks. And Knight…he didn’t even look upset. In fact, I was pretty sure I saw a smile touch his lips.
I closed the door, but stood only in the entryway, not wanting to disturb anyone. But when I was bumped from behind, I almost jumped out of my skin.
“Sorry!” I said a little too loud, pushing myself back against the wall.
“Raven!” Knight snapped. “Watch where you’re going.”
My eyes widened as Knight got to his feet. My heart thundered in my chest as he stalked forward toward the girl. Oh, God. He was going to hit her because she had bumped into me. Nausea swirled in my stomach with every step he took. I didn’t think. I just reacted, throwing myself in front of her and closing my eyes as I prepared for the hit.
I held my breath, noting how the room went silent all around me. When I opened my eyes, a look of horror streaked across Knight’s face and he slowly backed up. Shoving his fingersthrough his hair, he stormed into the other room, leaving me alone with the kids.
I looked at each of them, but only Griffin seemed to understand why I had done what I had. Then I felt Raven’s arms wrap around me from behind in a gentle hug.
“He would never hurt me, but thank you.”