Page 67 of Texas Honor
She looked up again, her large green eyes sweeping his hard, dark face. “Yes?”
He shouldered away from the tree and caught her sudden withdrawal from him. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
“All right,” he said with the first gentleness he’d shown since her arrival. “I won’t touch you again. You’d better do something about your lip. I cut it when I kissed you.”
She touched it with a finger and found a trace of blood there. She hadn’t felt it. But she hadn’t experienced so much emotional turmoil since her divorce.
He pulled out a handkerchief and offered it, noticing that she went to great lengths to avoid any contact with him when she took it and dabbed at her lip.
Her face felt hot, her knees weak. Odd that he should have such a profound effect on her. Perhaps it was just reaction.
“He hurt you, didn’t he?” he asked suddenly, his gaze forceful. “He hurt you sexually.”
She swallowed. “Yes.”
“Then for God’s sake, why have his child?” he demanded.
“I didn’t have a lot of choice,” she said, hiding her face.
He lit another cigarette, keeping his eyes on the match so that she wouldn’t see them. He mumbled something harsh and forceful.
“It’s all past history now,” she said, and lifted her eyes. “I just want to pick up the pieces and raise my daughter. I don’t want to trap you into marriage, honestly. I don’t want anything to do with men, ever again. So I’ll be glad to keep out of your way, if you’ll stay out of mine.”
He lifted his chin as he drew on the cigarette. “I don’t bargain, honey.”
“Don’t call me that,” she said coolly.
“I always used to. Have you forgotten?” he asked, his voice oddly quiet. “I never tossed those words around like some men do, either. Too bad you didn’t listen.” Before she could pursue that, he was off on another subject. “Do you have a good lawyer?”
She shifted. “I suppose so.”
“I’ll make sure you do before the custody suit comes up.”
“Listen here, Gabriel—”
“You were the only woman who ever called me that,” he murmured, smoking his cigarette while he studied her. “I like it.”
She tried again. “I don’t want—”
“I’ll fly you to get the little girl,” he added, turning. “Let me know a day beforehand, so that I can arrange things.”
“Will you listen!”
His eyebrows shot up. “To what?”
“I can arrange my own life....”
“You’ve made a hash of things, from what I’ve seen.”
“I can do without your opinion!”
“Pity. You could use a few pointers. And before you jump to any conclusions,” he added maddeningly, “I take back my offer to play around with you. In fact, I’ll be generous and take back every damned thing I’ve said since you came here.” He pursed his lips as he searched her puzzled eyes. “You’re like a virgin, aren’t you? Afraid of sex, nervous of men...”
The blush got worse. Her fists clenched beside her body. “Are you quite through?”
“For now.” He pulled the hat lower over his eyes. “Stay away from that stallion,” he cautioned again.