Page 73 of Texas Honor
She sighed. “I thought it looked too girlish for a woman my age,” she told him, then smiled. “And it was hot in the summer.”
“Would it shock you to know that I used to dream about wrapping it around my wrist?” Gabe asked, his voice gentle. “And pillowing you on it, while I laid you down on one of those loungers that used to sit by the pool?”
Again Maggie colored, but she didn’t look away. She seemed to blush all the time around him! “Did you really?” she asked.
He nodded. “It got to be more than disturbing, especially considering the age difference. I’ll be blunt, Maggie, I was glad when you stopped coming here to see the girls. You caused me some sleepless nights.”
“You heard what I said to Janet, didn’t you?” she asked suddenly. “About having a crush on you?”
“Yes. But I knew already.” His eyes narrowed, glittering. “That was what worried me so much. Your eyes were so sultry and just faintly hungry when you looked at me. I knew I could do anything I wanted to you, and you’d let me. The thought tormented me.”
She’d thought about that, too; about having him kiss her and make love to her. Her heart went wild in her chest. She wondered suddenly and startlingly what it would feel like to make love with him.
“We’d better get going,” he said, missing the shock in her eyes. “Come on.”
He held out his hand and stood there until she took it, refusing to budge an inch. She yielded because she knew him so well. He’d die before he gave in, once he got his mind set on something. She even admired it, that stubborn streak of his. The feel of his strong hand around hers was intoxicating. She let him hold it while she wondered how she was going to keep him from taking her over, lock, stock and daughter. Odd, she thought as they approached the plane, how delicious it was to be close to him....
Then they were on their way, and she stopped thinking about it.
THEEXCLUSIVEBOARDINGschool where Becky stayed was frantic with activity. Gabe looked around him curiously as little girls rushed down the hall outside the office where he and Maggie waited for Becky.
“Margaret, thank goodness!” Mrs. Haynes burst out as she joined them, closing her office door gingerly behind her. “I didn’t know what to do. He’s been here for thirty minutes. I knew you were coming since you called this morning....”
“Dennis is here?” she gasped. “Oh, Mrs. Haynes, you didn’t let him have Becky?”
“Of course not, dear. He’s in my office....”
Gabe moved her gently aside and made a beeline for the office, his long strides eating up the distance. Maggie, sensing disaster, rushed after him and Mrs. Haynes just stared, biting her lip.
Gabe thrust open the door and a shorter, younger, fair-haired man jerked around in surprise, his eyes wide and shocked as he stared at the formidable Westerner.
“Maggie, darling...” Dennis laughed nervously, staring past the tall man to a less intimidating presence. “I didn’t expect you so early. I was just going to drive Becky over to your house for you.”
“Like hell you were,” Gabe said coldly. “But I can save you the trouble. I’m taking Maggie and the child home with me.”
Dennis glared at the bigger man. “Who are you?”
“Gabriel Coleman.”
Dennis straightened, finding unexpected new ammunition in the curt response. Gabriel Coleman... He remembered everything he’d heard about the man. And now, seeing him, it wasn’t hard to believe it was all true. So this was the Texas rancher Maggie’s father had wanted her to marry. Maggie probably didn’t know that, but Dennis did. Her father had used it like a nagging prod every time they’d met socially. He smiled. “So, that’s how it is. Living with your old lover, are you? Janice and I got married Monday, so I’ve really got the edge on you now, haven’t I?” he added. “It won’t look good in court when everyone sees what an unfit mother you are.”
“You can’t take her,” Maggie cried. “You can’t! All you want is the money!”
“She’s my child,” Dennis replied arrogantly. “And I’ve got a lot more right to her, married, than you do single and living with your...lover,” he added, with a cold glare at Gabriel. “You couldn’t wait, could you? Well, he’ll find you as frigid as I—”
He stopped in midsentence as Gabe, imperturbably unruffled by the outburst, lifted him half off the floor by the collar and escorted him out of the office and down the hall.
“By God, that’s enough,” Gabe was muttering to Dennis. “How she could marry something like you in the first place is beyond me.”
Becky came into the office before Gabe returned and ran into her mother’s outstretched arms.
“Oh, Mama,” Becky wailed. “Michelle said Daddy was here.” She drew away, green eyes wide and frightened. “I don’t have to go with him, do I?”
“No, darling,” Maggie said softly, hoping, praying that it would be the truth after the custody battle was over. She knelt, smiling at the young girl, brushing back the long strands of hair from the pale little face. “No, you don’t have to go with him.”
Becky looked past her mother and her face froze. She frowned a little. “Who are you?” she asked curiously.