Page 105 of Lawbreaker
When Tony and Ben landed in the private jet at Big Spur, the whole family met them at the landing strip, in two vehicles.
“Truck or Jaguar, pick one,” Stasia teased, hugging Tony.
“Truck,” he said at once. “I very rarely even see one. I love trucks,” he chuckled. They were trying to sound cheerful, but he could see behind the fake smiles. “Any calls yet?” he asked.
“One,” Cole said as he and Tony climbed into the pickup truck. Ben vaulted into the bed. “But we let it ring.”
“Hey, you could eat off this floor,” Ben called through the back window.
Cole chuckled as he headed the truck toward the house. “I like to keep my vehicles clean and maintained. They last longer.”
“They do.” Tony looked out at the landscape. He worried about Odalie. Were they hurting her? How much danger was she in? She could lose the baby if they roughed her up. The baby. His heart lifted like a helium balloon. He was going to marry her the minute he got her back, no matter how bad he was for her. At least he could protect her and his child.
“You’re quiet,” Cole remarked as they pulled up at the house.
“I’ve got a lot going on,” he replied with a faint smile. “Now all I have to do is pull enough strings to get it together in time.”
Cole just nodded.
They were all gathered in the living room. The grandfather clock was loud. Outside, a dog barked. Inside, you could hear a pin drop.
The sudden music blaring from Tanner’s phone was enough to make people jump.
Tony held out his hand. Tanner gave him the phone.
Tony answered it only after the fourth ring. By that time, the family was chewing off their fingernails.
“Hello,” Tony said.
There was a shocked pause. “Garza? Where’s Tanner Everett? What are you doing with his phone?” James asked, his voice skipping a little at the unexpected voice.
“You’ll be dealing with me,” Tony said. He leaned back in the armchair and crossed his long legs. “Take down this number.” He read it off the burner phone. “Call me back,” he said, and he hung up.
There was a collective gasp.
“It’s all right,” he assured them gently. “Believe me, he’s not about to hang up.”
“Okay,” Heather said, letting out a breath.
After a minute, the burner phone rang. And again, while everyone fidgeted and bit nails, Tony waited until the fourth ring to answer.
“I’m here,” he said.
“Well, I need to talk to Tanner Everett,” James said, gaining authority in his voice.
Tony smiled. “You know, I could use a drink. There’s a little bar about two blocks from here,” he said, and named the college.
There was a stunned silence on the end of the line.
“Nice place,” he added. “Small, cozy, dartboard on the wall. Sexy waitress with red hair...”
“How would you know about that?” James asked curtly.
“Picked up a package there earlier,” he said, and his voice chilled. “The package is currently waiting in a room. You might want to call and have somebody check on that package, at the bar.”
“You wouldn’t...dare!”
“Call me back. You know the number.” He hung up again.