Page 28 of Iona's Christmas
“We finish wrapping presents and then tomorrow we peel the vegetables. For now, we let these turkeys cook. Once they are done, we’ll put the last one in and the legs of lamb,” Lindy said.
“Okay,” I replied and headed back out. “The club whores won’t take the food, will they?”
“They’re banned from here for the next few nights. Warden has made it clear it’s family only,” Lindy explained and smiled. “Beau is back tomorrow, and Decker is flying in. Lissy will be arriving tonight. She’ll be here to help.”
“Oh, how wonderful your boys are coming home,” I exclaimed, happy for Lindy. I know she missed them all.
“Lissy is here to stay. She split from that wretched man she was with. Waste of damn space he was. She had a few things to tie, but she’s coming home. Aura has a house for her, and her furniture arrived yesterday. Spice spent all day making sure the movers placed it where she’d want it. Of course, Lissy will move everything around, but Spice thought he was being helpful,” Lindy explained with a laugh.
“Oh dear,” I muttered and smiled.
“Come on, let’s finish wrapping presents, there’s still a lot to do,” Lindy stated. And she wasn’t lying.
I was barely moving the next morning as I entered the kitchen and peered blurrily around.
“Coffee,” I croaked.
“Here,” Rosalea announced, handing me a cup. I smothered a yawn and took a deep sip. It was hot but good.
“Thank God for caffeine,” I muttered, sinking onto a stool. Someone snorted, and I looked up and spotted Lissy. “Hey, girl.”
“Well, like Rosalea, you ain’t changed much. I’d still know you anywhere. Although I hope you’ve undergone an attitude adjustment,” Lissy said as she sipped her own cup.
“I’ll talk to you when I’m awake,” I replied, waving a hand at her.
“Have you even showered?” Rosalea asked, and I blinked before glaring at her.
“What do you think?” I demanded, suddenly awake and offended.
“Well, considering the screams, not just yours, coming from your room last night, I hope so!” Rosalea snapped, amused.
“Sorry, was we too loud? Did we keep the little princess awake?” I teased, and Rosalea shook her head, laughing.
“You gotta invest in sound proofing,” she retorted.
“Or you need a decent set of ear plugs,” I replied, and we both laughed.
“Wow, I am so proud. Look at you two, both of you have removed those sticks up your ass,” Lissy added.
“You’ve still got yours, bitch,” I informed Lissy, and behind me, Lindy snorted. I waved a hand in her direction. “Don’t start if you can’t finish it. That’s what you taught us.”
“Not quite. I am sure I said don’t start shit if you can’t handle having crap shoved back at you. And if you start a fight, you’d better be prepared to end it,” Lindy corrected me.
“Knew it was something like that,” I agreed and eyed Lissy. “You look well. I kinda hate you right now.”
“Thanks, you’re as beautiful as ever, Iona,” Lissy said magnanimously.
“I’d agree with that statement, except I look like death warmed up,” I responded.
Lissy snorted. “Try sleeping at night.”
“We were up late wrapping presents, and then Warden needed punishing. He’s been searching for his gifts, and I caught him.”
“Too much info, Iona. Breakfast is up and done. Just basic food, scrambled eggs, toast, cereals, and pastries. Get some food in you. We’ve got a lot to do today. And Warden has gathered everyone so we can give them their Christmas Eve present,” Lindy said.
A smile crossed my face, and I darted into the common room. Lindy was right; they were all there. I dragged out the sack that had their ornaments in and started handing them out.