Page 6 of Iona's Christmas
Lindy lit up like a Christmas tree, and her smile was beautiful.
“I’d love to, Iona. Have you made any plans?”
“No. I do not have a clue. The holidays at… Pearl’s… it was quiet and understated. A small tree that was always decorated beautifully. A wreath on the door, a few garlands discreetly placed, and a quiet dinner. I don’t want that here. I would like it like the old days,” I said.
“Loud and chaotic,” Lindy suggested with a laugh.
“Yes. Exactly that. Bikers being bikers and the women looking after them. Lots of presents and food and drink. No club whores!”
“That won’t be hard. Lolita and the whores learned a lesson today. One day, you’ll have to throw down, too, Iona. Although it didn’t look like you’d have an issue doing so.” Lindy giggled.
“None at all. They need to remember their places. I’m surprised at the male… do we call them sluts?” I asked.
Lindy laughed again and shook her head.
“Service men,” she said and winked.
“That makes a whole lot of sense!” I exclaimed gleefully. “They are certainly good-looking and fit.”
“Nothing but the best for the sisters. Those three guys cause hardly any drama. The only time I’ve ever seen anything from them is when a slut hits on them, and they shut it down. They’ve been about for roughly a year and do as they’re told without issue.
“That’s what kicked today off. I was watching those lazy sluts lay around while the guys began sorting the kitchen. When asked to help, those bitches laughed at them. The men aren’t even meant to clean, they have different duties, like mowing the lawn and emptying the trash. But they’ve been cleaning shit in the clubhouse, letting those whores get away with murder, and they never complain,” Lindy explained.
“Well, that won’t happen again,” I agreed.
“Iona, I naturally lead, and I’ve been the only old lady for years. But you are the Queen Bee. You gotta start stepping up andletting me fade into the background. That doesn’t mean I won’t be here to guide you and offer support, but you now need to be the face of the old ladies. And I think you are just the start, that others will soon come along,” Lindy said, and I was touched.
“You have faith in me?” I asked.
“To become the woman who deserves to be Warden’s old lady? Yes. You’ve a way to go and a lot of confidence to gain, alongside respect and loyalty. You had that once and lost it, if you get it back, don’t squander it. The family won’t forgive again. But things like this? That will mean the world to them,” Lindy stated, and I nodded.
She was right. I did have a long way to go. But I had time, and that meant something. This was my new start, no misunderstandings, no hate, no accusations or anything else. I’d done the unthinkable and turned my back on Pearl, and it had been easier than I thought. Pearl’s lies remained in the past, not in my future.
“Okay, I hear you,” I said, and Lindy squeezed my knee.
“Now, I have some ideas, I hope you do too!”
“Well, I was thinking a huge ass tree. Like Berserker and the old timers used to buy, do you remember them, Lindy? Then, some fairy lights strung around the clubhouse with garlands and wreaths. A full Christmas dinner with hams and turkeys, but I remember some of the guys loved lamb, such as Fists did.
“Then we’d get several desserts because they all like different stuff. For the evening, I thought maybe some finger foods, things that are easy to bake or prepare. Of course, we would need to stock up on booze, make sure the bar is fully stocked,” I said.
Lindy nodded her head in approval.
“I also thought about us all decorating the tree together and having a takeout and movie night. But I wanted to buy everyone something special to put on the tree,” I mused, and Lindy leaned forward.
“Tell me everything,” she ordered and settling in, I did.
Chapter Two.
Together, Lindy and I had banged out a plan by midday, and I was so excited about it. We’d even allocated days to do certain things. We had called Rosalea and included her so she didn’t feel left out. Rosalea was now working with Soar at the tattoo parlour and enjoying herself immensely. She loved being a receptionist and bossing everyone about, and Soar had privately admitted to Warden that Rosalea was a real support.
I’d sniggered when I told my best friend that, as she’d blushed. In our previous jobs, criticise more than praise was practised. I’d not gone back to work, staying instead to help Warden out. Each week I ordered the food delivery and ensured that the laundry was done, although I was doing it more than the whores. Considering the amount of time I spent around the clubhouse, I was rather shocked I had not noticed the Service Men as I’d taken to calling them.
Warden had surprised me because he was all about being an alpha and swinging his dick. The others were the same. Even the sisters could bust balls like a man. But having guys who werebasically club skanks was shocking to me because, as I said, so progressive.
A smile crossed my lips. Lindy had put the whores in their place, and the clubhouse looked cleaner than it had done for a few weeks. I could smell polish and bleach in the air. As Lindy pointed out, it was now my job to manage the bitches and make sure they did their work. I’d been uncertain since getting with Warden on how far to go. Nobody could or would dispute that Lindy was Queen Bee. No way was I stepping on her toes.