Page 1 of Love Gamble
Chapter One
After tipping the amber liquid into my mouth in one swallow, I place the glass down and gesture to the attractive, curvy waitress for another one. She winks at me in return, and I flash her a grin. I haven’t had sex in such a long fucking time, and I’m not going to lie, I’m tempted. But now is not the time for that.
With Romeo, the president of the Angels and Devils MC, on one side, and River, his club enforcer and vice president on the other, I feel pretty invincible. It wasn’t always like this, though. There was a time in the not-so-distant past when you wouldn’t catch me dead sitting between these two men. After a generational war between the Angels MC and the Devils MC, the two clubs joined when the heirs got married to each other. That’s right, we’re living in the twenty-first century and the patriarchy is not in control. Rather Romeo and his wife, Julianna, rule together. It was a bumpy start, but by joining the two MCs together instead of fighting one another, we are building wealth and power, which is more than what we could’ve done on our own.
“Julianna trusts you,” Romeo says, turning to look at me, his dark brown eyes missing nothing.
I nod and throw some money on the table for the next round of drinks. “I would do anything for her.”
“And that’s why we want you to move up in the club.”
I feel my eyebrows rise. As much as this union was supposed to be a merger, it has felt like the Angels are second tier to the Devils, after one of our now ex-members killed one of theirs. This is a bit unexpected.
“How do you feel about being our new sergeant at arms?” he asks, and I can feel River’s eyes on me.
Sergeant at arms. Shit. That is one of the highest roles you can have in an MC. It’s the person tasked with keeping order in club meetings, securing the clubhouse, the president, and at times the enforcer. I look over to River. “Isn’t that your job?”
He shrugs. “With everything we have going on and the new prospects coming in, I can’t take on the responsibility of the security of the entire club and be Romeo’s VP. I need help.”
“And you want help fromme?”
He side-eyes me. “You weren’t my first choice,” he grunts out.
I don’t think he likes me much after he caught me kissing his sister, Corey, but to be honest he doesn’t seem to like anyone other than Romeo, and his woman, Bella. He tolerates Julianna.
And as for Corey...
Well, she’s the reason for my recent celibacy, but I don’t want to think about that right now.
“I would be honored.” And I mean it. All joking aside, I’m one of the only few people who isn’t part of this MC because of my birthright. In fact, I was just in the right place at the right time and got recruited. So to be working my way up the ranks so fast isn’t something I really saw coming. Julianna’s right-hand man, yes, but sergeant at arms?
Nope, didn’t predict that one.
But I couldn’t be happier about it.
We lift our glasses and clink them together in celebration, just as the doors open and five men step inside. They’re wearing leather cuts, proclaiming themselves as 1% bikers, aka outlaws, and they look at us with expectation in their eyes, like they were planning on us being here.
“Who the fuck is that?” River asks, eyes narrowing to slits.
“We’re about to find out,” Romeo mutters, acting casual, but his body is primed and on alert. There might be five of the newcomers, but with the three of us, I like our odds. We wait to see what happens. And lo and behold, their president comes over to Romeo, while the rest of his men take a seat at the table by the door. My eyes flicker to the patch on his leather cut. It’s generic—a mixture of a skull and flames. I internally roll my eyes at how basic it is.
“Romeo Montanna, I’ve heard a lot about you,” he says, smirking. “I’m Gio, and those are my men.”
“Wish I could say the same about you,” Romeo replies, face hard as stone. He takes the moment to stand to his full height. River and I stay seated but are ready to spring into action if needed.
Gio laughs and shrugs. “We’re a newer MC, but we’ve been around.”
Now that he’s closer, I can read his patch.Lost Lions MC.
I’ve never heard of them.
“Are you just passing through?” Romeo asks, reaching over to grab his beer and take a sip, but keeping his eyes on the man in front of him.
“Isn’t that the question of the night?” Gio runs his hands through his curly blond hair. “I’m not sure. We might hang around for a bit. Is that going to be an issue?”
I can’t get a read on this guy. He’s trying really hard to come off nonchalant and friendly, but there is something underneath all that. I just can’t place it. I look over to River and see him trying to figure Gio out as well, his brow furrowed as he studies him.