Page 24 of Love Gamble
That was my subtle “now get the fuck out of here.”
He smirks and nods. “Don’t you worry, I will. I’ll see you guys around. Tell River that I’m looking forward to a more proper reunion.”
The threat is there.
As soon as he’s out of earshot, Bella pulls her phone out. “River is going to be pissed.”
“That’s what they want—they want to start some beef. And I didn’t know why before, but I sure as hell do now,” I say, turning to her. Tatum wants to hurt River, and I don’t trust that he wouldn’t use me to do that. “Come on, we should get out of here while we can.”
We make haste and head back to the clubhouse.
I know we need to tell the men, and although nothing actually happened, I know just how this information is going to go down.
Like swallowing razor blades.
Chapter Eleven
We’ve all just gotten back from a ride when Corey and Bella pull in. Bella, who normally parks like a professional, turns the engine off while the car is still diagonal, and gets out in a rush. Corey does the same.
“What’s wrong?” I quickly ask, giving them both a once-over to make sure they are okay.
Bella hurries inside and Corey stands next to me. “I mean, nothing happened, so don’t freak out—”
“We were at the lake, and some guy came over to us—”
What the fuck?
I should have been there, watching her.
“Who? What did they say? I’m going to kill—”
She cuts me off, and I grit my teeth, listening to her every word.
“It was Tatum. My brother,” she blurts out, a worried look in her beautiful hazel eyes. “He’s a part of that motorcycle club. I think that’s why the Lost Lions are here.”
I pause.
Fucking hell.
This is even worse than I thought.
I’ve heard about Tatum from River, but to show up here like this?
That man is either stupid as fuck or has balls of steel.
I’m thinking that it might be both, which is the most dangerous combination. A biker knows that you don’t mess with the women unless you want to start a fucking war. And he’s made the first move to do so.
“Why do you think that?”
“Tatum hates River. Always has. It is no coincidence that the Lions are here.”
Shit. Well, that makes sense. I’ve been having a fucking awful time figuring out what the hell a new club like the Lost Lions wants in such a well-known area. Clubs like theirs operate in the middle of nowhere to stay undetected.
“He just chatted with us and left, so obviously he just wanted a reaction, which is apparently what he’s going to get,” she mutters, grabbing onto my arm. I look down at her delicate fingers on my skin. “We need to be smart about how we handle this.”