Page 78 of Love Gamble
Closing my eyes, I take it all in, and feel everything, all the pain, and regret, and grief and then let it all go.
The only person I need to love me is myself.
“By the way, we could all hear you guys having sex up there,” Bella says casually, ruining my peaceful moment as she tries to hide her laughter. “I’m glad River wasn’t here.”
“Me, too.” I smirk.
But it was worth it.
Old me would have gone into my room and hidden for the rest of the day, but I’m not going anywhere. Yes, I have hot sex with my man, just like every other couple here.
And I don’t care.
“But I’m a woman with needs, and this time it couldn’t wait.”
I needed him inside of me for my sanity, for my soul.
It was a soul fuck.
“No judgment here.” She grins, turning to face me. “You know, I remember Damon once came into the office and asked me about you. He was trying to get any information he could out of me, and I tried to tell him without telling him that it was probably a bad idea and that he should leave you alone. I’m so glad he didn’t listen to me—you two are a perfect match for each other, and you haven’t let River, the age difference, or a potential baby mama break you up.”
“We really have been through a lot in a short time,” I reply, wrinkling my nose. “It fast-tracks a relationship, though, doesn’t it? And you’re right, I have done a lot of growing in that time.”
“You have.”
Romeo comes out to check on us, and he looks stressed, his hair all mussed and dark circles under his eyes. “Tatum is back with his MC, and River is on his way home. Hopefully by tomorrow night, they will be out of our town.”
If Leif were a traitor, now would be the time he’d be targeting Bella. It’s a terrifying thought.
“What’s to stop them from coming back?” I ask, and Romeo simply grins.
“River found out a few things I don’t think they will want getting out. We aren’t opposed to a little blackmail. We also found out that Tatum has a son, and he lives here in Vegas. I don’t know if Tatum’s like his own father and wouldn’t care, but we want him to know that we know.” He puts his hands up. “Stop looking at me like that. I’d never harm a child. But the threat will hopefully be enough for him.”
“I have a nephew?” I ask, sitting up straighter.
“Yes, you do. He’s five years old.”
I sit back and process yet another surprise. I hope the child is doing okay. Depending on what the mother is like, maybe she would let me see him? Or is that a bad idea?
I can’t imagine it would be safe trying to go and find out who the mother is, and I don’t have anything to do with Tatum, so maybe it’s just best that I do nothing.
I can only hope the child is well loved and cared for.
River returns home and Bella runs into his arms. He’s been off torturing our enemy, and she still loves him and thinks he is the perfect man. If that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.
“Corey.” He smiles, hugging me and lifting me off the ground. “Nice to see you, sister.”
“You too. I’m glad you made it back safe. I thought maybe they’d be hiding in the bushes waiting to ambush you or something.”
He smirks. “They can try. Where’s Mom?”
“In the lounge,” I say, leaving it at that. He goes to find her, and to greet the rest of the MC. He seems awfully refreshed, which is a little concerning.
We all have a barbecue that night and pretend like this whole week hasn’t been one fucking disaster.
And I like it that way.
Chapter Thirty-Seven