Page 85 of Love Gamble
He goes down, blood spilling out of him and onto the carpet.
Romeo rushes over and disarms him, while I turn to Corey with wide eyes. Her fingers are still shaking as they hold the weapon, and I slowly wrap my hand around hers and take it off her.
“Are you okay?” I ask, pushing her against my chest.
She nods, taking a deep, slow breath as she gathers her composure. “I’m just glad I kept that gun in my purse.”
River comes up behind her and holds her. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
Her lower lip trembles. “I watched Matthew die. I wouldn’t have survived losing another brother.”
River slams his eyes shut and takes a deep breath, then kisses the top of her head. “You saved me. All of us. Thank you.”
“He’s dead,” Romeo calls out.
We share a look between us.
While I’m fucking happy he’s dead, I would rather it have been at someone else’s hand.
Anyone else’s.
But Corey is brave, strong, and resilient.
And I couldn’t be prouder to call her mine.
Chapter Forty
I killed a man.
And now Damon keeps watching me with concern in those beautiful stormy gray eyes, almost waiting for me to break down over it, but I haven’t. I’m not losing any more people I love, and for once in my life I was able to protect my family. Protect River.
Damon had taken me straight home afterward, while River dealt with the body. I didn’t ask what they did with it. This might very well catch up with me at some point, and I know that, but I will pay whatever price I have to. For now, I distract myself by spending time with the people I killed to save.
The next night Echo comes over, and surprisingly enough so does the good doctor. Or as she introduces herself, Raine.
“Raine Shine?” I ask, remembering Romeo calling her Dr. Shine.
She winces a little, twirling her dark hair around her finger. Jag was right, she is a gorgeous woman, with dark skin, big, brown eyes, and a calm energy around her. “Yeah, my parents were hippies who thought they were funny.”
I laugh, happy that she has a sense of humor. I think she’ll fit right in here. “Well, Raine, it’s lovely to meet you. Can I get you something to drink?”
Jag comes up next to me, butting in. “I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be my line. Nice to see you again, Dr. Shine.”
I think he would love to call her doctor in the bedroom. The way his eyes are eating her up I feel like I’m intruding in a private moment, instead of just a simple conversation.
“Please, Jag, call me Raine,” she replies. “And yes, I’d love a drink.”
Jag steals her away, and I go and sit outside with Echo and Bella, drinks in hand, music playing in the background. I got Damon to put up more fairy lights, so the whole place is lit up. It’s such a vibe.
“You made all this food yourself?” Echo asks me, eying the massive grazing platter I did up. I may have gone a little overboard, but I do love to host, and I love to feed people.
Food is my love language.
“Yes, sometimes we get caterers, but I did it all this time,” I say, tilting my head to Bella. “She made all the cocktails, and the men all helped set it up. Julianna put together the playlist. It was a group effort.”
“Julianna listens to Tupac?” Echo asks, sounding surprised.